Image Edge and Corner Detection Based on OpenCv

Write down the problems one by one. They are all mentally retarded. 1: Mat result1(5, 5, CV_8UC1, Scalar(255)); This sentence is to create a matrix of 5*5. The data type is CV_8UC1, which means that the unsigned character type C1 represents the ...

Added by [JayZ] on Sat, 07 Sep 2019 15:28:14 +0300

Summary of imitation development of mall

Articles Catalogue Project introduction system architecture Project module Application Technology Points Dubbox Distributed Service Framework Front-end framework Angular JS Spring Security FastDFS Redis Application in Home Page Advertising Application in Search Application in Registration Applicati ...

Added by Seas.Comander on Thu, 08 Aug 2019 13:01:01 +0300

Angular 8 component communication infrastructure usage scenario

Component Interaction Parent-child component interaction (common) Input, Output attributes One of the most basic scenarios is very precautionary. Using method, the data in the parent component is bound to the variables declared by the child component to ensure that the child component can be used for internal rendering template. The main concer ...

Added by websitesca on Tue, 06 Aug 2019 12:15:08 +0300

[Python Standard Library]random-Pseudo-Random Number Generator

Python version: 1.4 and later The random module provides a fast pseudo-random number generator based on Mersenne Twister algorithm. This generator was originally developed to generate input to Monte Carlo simulation. Mersenne Twister algorithm generates a number of near-uniform distributions with a large period for various types of applica ...

Added by iceblossom on Thu, 18 Jul 2019 00:59:28 +0300

Vue.js--Custom Instructions Vue.js allows you to register custom instructions, essentially allowing you to teach Vue some new tricks: how to map changes in data to the behavior of the DOM.You can register a global custom instruction by passing in an instruction ID and a definition object using the Vue.directive(id, definiti ...

Added by waylon999 on Sun, 14 Jul 2019 19:42:30 +0300

JavaScript Arabic and Chinese numerals convert to each other

One time in the front-end communication group in Shanghai, I saw someone send a help message to the group: Write a function in JavaScript that requires the entry parameter to be a number. The range of values is an integer number and the return value is a string. The function of the function is to return the Chinese characters corresponding to t ...

Added by Flying Sagittarius on Fri, 12 Jul 2019 20:22:28 +0300

WebComponent Hall: Deep into Custom Element from the past to the present

Preface _When it comes to Custom Element, you must think of a similar HTML Component that fails.HTML Component is a new technology introduced at the beginning of IE5 to "enhance" native elements. Although it is only supported by IE, IE10 has begun to abandon it, and although it is mastered and not used, it still does not affect us to ...

Added by Assorro on Wed, 03 Jul 2019 19:38:51 +0300

Novel Flutter stateless widgets

flutter In Flutter, Stateless Widget and Stateful Widget are classified according to whether the component itself is stateless or not. In Widget s, there are button s or widgets representing structural elements, font s and color s representing styles, widgets for padding layout, and widgets creating their own widgets by exten ...

Added by polywog on Tue, 25 Jun 2019 01:57:38 +0300

IOS CAEmitter Layer Implementing Animation Effect of Particle Emission

IOS CAEmitter Layer Implementing Animation Effect of Particle Emission Design sketch The code has been uploaded to GitHub: The animation effect is realized by CAEmitter Layer. CAEmitter Layer displays particle emission animation, the specific particles are encapsulated by CAEmitter Cell. The ...

Added by Joe689 on Mon, 24 Jun 2019 01:32:50 +0300

Front-end built gulp and common plugins

What is gulp? Believe you will understand! What are the advantages over the well-known build tool, grunt? Easy to use, code better than configuration Efficient, won't produce too many intermediate files, reduce I/O pressure Easy to learn, very few API s, you can learn gulp in very short events Those commonly used gulp ...

Added by nezona on Sat, 22 Jun 2019 20:09:26 +0300