Camunda call external sub process (Call Activity) example

Camunda subprocesses can be implemented in two ways: Embedded Subprocess and Call Activity. The following describes the implementation of camunda external sub process (Call Activity). Through examples, it introduces how the main process initiates the sub process and how the variables between the main sub processes are transferred. 1, What is ...

Added by Rangana on Wed, 19 Jan 2022 06:34:04 +0200

Flowable actual combat BPMN2 0 task

  tasks are the most important part of the process. Flowable provides a variety of task types to meet actual needs.  common task types are:User tasksJava Service taskScript taskBusiness rule taskExecution listenerTask listenerMultiple instances  the task types of integration extension include:Manual taskJava receive taskShell tas ...

Added by AcousticJames on Sun, 16 Jan 2022 11:07:52 +0200

Flowable actual combat 1 - start the first complete process

1, Preface:  I found that the information about Flowable on the Internet is basically superficial, and there are few instructions on how to build an enterprise level process application, so I wrote a practical series, hoping to be helpful to everyone and myself.2, Meet Flowable  Flowable is a lightweight business process engine writte ...

Added by mac25 on Fri, 07 Jan 2022 12:27:09 +0200