How to realize countersignature based on camunda: process configuration and principle analysis of camunda countersignature

  1, Background The famous open source process engines in the market include osworkflow, jbpm, activiti, flowable and camunda. Because jbpm, activiti and flowable process engines appeared earlier and are widely used by domestic people, we don't know much about camunda process engine. In fact, camunda is better than jbpm, activiti and flowable ...

Added by Scip on Fri, 28 Jan 2022 16:27:44 +0200

Getting started with Camunda - launch the Camunda management platform

Start Camunda management platform to provide Web management interface. The main functions of the management interface include: Cockpit -Manage process and process instancesTasklist -Manage specific tasks in the process (navigate to specific tasks, provide form input, repair process instances, etc.)Admin -Manage users, organization group s, ...

Added by squiggerz on Wed, 26 Jan 2022 23:01:34 +0200

Camunda call external sub process (Call Activity) example

Camunda subprocesses can be implemented in two ways: Embedded Subprocess and Call Activity. The following describes the implementation of camunda external sub process (Call Activity). Through examples, it introduces how the main process initiates the sub process and how the variables between the main sub processes are transferred. 1, What is ...

Added by Rangana on Wed, 19 Jan 2022 06:34:04 +0200