Apache APIs IX integrates with Consul KV, and the service discovery capability is upgraded again

background information Consul is a service grid solution. Consul KV, one of its cores, is a distributed key value database, which is mainly used to store configuration parameters and metadata, and also allows users to store index objects.In the microservice architecture mode, when the upstream service changes due to capacity expansion and hardw ...

Added by yusiyuseff on Tue, 08 Mar 2022 06:20:13 +0200

Deploy Compose in Docker private warehouse to build a consumer environment

1, Compose overview 1.Compose is a tool for defining and running multiple containers. Compose allows you to configure containers using YAML files. Then, all services can be created and started from the configuration using one command. 2. Docker Compose container orchestration YAML is a very intuitive data serialization format in markup language ...

Added by Walle on Tue, 14 Sep 2021 21:31:02 +0300