Source code analysis of Hongmeng light kernel: Newlib C

Abstract: This paper introduces the implementation of LiteOS-M kernel Newlib C, especially the file system and memory allocation release part, and finally introduces the Newlib hook function. This article is shared from Huawei cloud community< Hongmeng light kernel M core source code analysis series 20 Newlib C >, author: zhushy. When ...

Added by thedotproduct on Wed, 26 Jan 2022 15:54:09 +0200

Installation and use of Cygwin, configuration and use of its software package apt Cyg, and apt Cyg error "/ usr / bin / apt Cyg: line 25: $'\ r': command not found"

first Official website Download the installation package of Cygwin, and then double-click to start the installation. Select as follows: You are free to choose the next installation address. The next step is to choose the image address. The domestic one is faster. I choose Ali here. You can also choose other ones: Next, it is very important to d ...

Added by usmc on Fri, 17 Dec 2021 05:39:05 +0200