Activation Code Verification Code Input Box for Custom view

Two days ago, I received a project. In the project, I need to customize an activation code input box, which is similar to the square input box of a drip taxi. Then I thought about how to do this input box. I finally got it today. The input box receives the number of customized input boxes, the width of the input box, the partit ...

Added by kratsg on Tue, 14 May 2019 18:45:47 +0300

MySql and Pytnon Interaction

Introducing modules into files import Mysqldb Connection object Used to establish connection with database Create object: call connect() method Conn = connect (parameter list) Parameter host: connected mysql host, if the local host is'localhost' Parametric port: The port of the mysql host connected by default is 330 ...

Added by jwoo on Tue, 14 May 2019 16:37:38 +0300

Python Notes-Python 3 Realizes Timing and Automatically Submitting Questionnaire Star Questionnaire

The general contents are as follows: Using Fiddler to capture packets, the data packets transmitted by click-submit are analyzed; (Key) Climb the IP address published by the free proxy IP website (e.g. Sissi proxy) and construct the IP address pool; Refer to the User Agent package of the fake_useragent library to get the ran ...

Added by lordgreg on Sun, 12 May 2019 09:36:57 +0300