Spring Boot docking Alipay payment

Article catalog 1. Preliminary preparation 2. Coding 1. The configuration class can also be written to the Spring boot configuration file for more flexibility 2. Payment Service 3. Controller omitted 4. The front-end children request to get the returned script and execute it directly 1. Prelim ...

Added by nomad9 on Wed, 17 Jun 2020 08:14:17 +0300

Multi threshold image segmentation based on genetic algorithm

catalog 1. Summary 2. Introduction 3 Otsu threshold segmentation 3.1 classical Otsu method 3.2 Otsu method with multiple thresholds 3.3 multi threshold Otsu method 2 4 genetic algorithm design 4.1 individual code 4.2 mating operation 4.2.1 single location and single point crossing 4.2.2 mu ...

Added by tigomark on Sun, 14 Jun 2020 11:27:50 +0300

Spring obtains single instance process

After reading this article, you will get In the getBean method, Spring handles aliases and the name of factoryBean How Spring gets beans from multi-level cache according to beanName How Spring deals with getting common beans and factorybeans from users introduction from Initialization of Spring container In, we learned how Spring convert ...

Added by SirEddie on Sat, 06 Jun 2020 08:47:18 +0300

Talk about puma's DefaultTaskExecutor

order This paper focuses on puma's DefaultTaskExecutor TaskExecutor puma/puma/src/main/java/com/dianping/puma/taskexecutor/TaskExecutor.java public interface TaskExecutor extends LifeCycle { boolean isStop(); boolean isMerging(); void stopUntil(long timestamp); void cancelStopUntil(); void setContext(PumaContext context ...

Added by tsg on Wed, 03 Jun 2020 19:14:37 +0300

Handwritten implementation of IOC and AOP through a case of bank transfer

I was asked hundreds of times about IoC and AOP in my last interview, and I was still silly and confused?We understand the two ideas of IOC and AOP. Next, let's not consider how Spring achieves these two ideas. First, through a case of bank transfer, we analyze the code level problems in this case.Use our existing knowledge to solve these prob ...

Added by mrskhris on Tue, 02 Jun 2020 14:16:52 +0300

PHP and Thinkphp simulated message board to deal with XSS attack (super complete!)

XSS attack principle and protection brief introduction XSS(Cross Site Scripting) is a common way in Web attacks. Through this attack, users can be controlled to do a series of malicious operations, such as stealing, tampering, adding users' data or inducing to phishing sites. Attack principle A common way is to use unfiltered parameters to pass ...

Added by Nothsa on Thu, 28 May 2020 07:50:18 +0300

JAVAWEB Day 6 sax parsing xml

1. Parse xml using sax - sax mode can not add or delete, only query operation Print out the entire document and execute the parse method. The first parameter is the path to the xml, and the second parameter is the parser.With respect to parsers, you need to create a class, inherit the event resolution class, and override the methods in it. ...

Added by neogranas on Mon, 25 May 2020 19:59:42 +0300

Python easy map visualization (with detailed source code)

preface The text and pictures of this article are from the Internet, only for learning and communication, not for any commercial purpose. The copyright belongs to the original author. If you have any questions, please contact us in time for handling. Python has a lot of map visualization libraries. Although Matplotlib library is very power ...

Added by dannyluked on Thu, 21 May 2020 09:54:45 +0300

Self timer 66 Python ffmpeg bulk compression video

Case story: Bug videos are found during the test, which need to be provided for reference in the development of Bug solution, However, after video shooting, it is too large to be transmitted on wechat client, Therefore, there have been testers using winzip to compress in batches (part1, part2, part3), Then transmit the "chaos" of vid ...

Added by ciaranmg on Tue, 19 May 2020 20:11:39 +0300

appium -- positioning package

Automated testing is simple, fast and easy to maintain. The most important part of automatic maintenance is element positioning. thinking Before we write code, we should make clear our thinking, so that when we write code again, we won't know how to start. 1. Manage elements and positioning methods through yaml (or other tools) 2. Encapsul ...

Added by NEWDAY on Sat, 16 May 2020 08:18:03 +0300