Application of ESP8266 based on punctual atom STM32F103ZET6

Application of ESP8266 based on punctual atom STM32F103ZET6 preface The ATK-ESP8266 WIFI module of punctual atom is used in this test. Directly use the firmware provided by the official and use the AT command to configure the module and use it. The module defaults to AT command status, and the analog baud rate is 115200 (8bit data bit, 1bit ...

Added by admun on Mon, 31 Jan 2022 17:08:37 +0200

Single chip microcomputer -- oled Chinese display in ESP8266

The previous chapter introduced the weather forecast machine built under ESP8266. At that time, the results contained some Chinese garbled codes. Today, I try to solve this problem. The problems involved here include the following steps: First, convert the string of utf-8 into gbk encoding,Then find the corresponding lattice data by looking up ...

Added by mynameisbob on Mon, 27 Dec 2021 10:17:41 +0200