SpringBoot - integrate Dubbo+Zookeeper

When integrating dubbo and zookeeper, I encountered all kinds of messy errors. Share it version control SpringBoot2.5.2 1, Add dependency and log configuration 1. Rely on <!--zookeeper client--> <dependency> <groupId>com.github.sgroschupf</groupId> <artifactId>zkclient</artifactId> ...

Added by NoPHPPhD on Tue, 25 Jan 2022 05:48:17 +0200

IOC of handwritten spin framework core source code (basic chapter)

IOC of handwritten spin framework core source code 1. Use Spring framework 2. Use reflection mechanism IOC controls the permission of reverse of controller to create objects. The objects needed by Java programmers are no longer created by programmers themselves, but are created by IOC containers Simulate the use of IOC containers 1. Use POM ...

Added by The Stewart on Sun, 23 Jan 2022 04:24:06 +0200

Uploading Excel using the Upload component in Vue

Uploading Excel using the upload component of Element in vue can be roughly divided into two cases Upload to the server using actionUpload to the server using axios Note: the uploaded file may fail due to the inconsistent format of the front and back ends application/x-www-form-urlencoded generally, this is used more oftenmultipart/form-data ...

Added by aleigh on Sun, 23 Jan 2022 04:17:58 +0200

Take you ten days to easily complete the Go micro service series

preface We will show you a go zero micro service example in detail through a series of articles. The whole series is divided into ten articles, and the directory structure is as follows: Environment constructionService splittingUser services (this article)Product serviceOrder servicePayment servicesRPC service Auth authenticationService monit ...

Added by Galia on Fri, 21 Jan 2022 09:34:11 +0200

Interview questions related to FrameWork

Refer to learning video: Framework interview collection, big factory old drivers will take you to clear up the difficulties of the framework 1, Knowledge points about zygote 1. Who started zygote? Answer: init rc 2. Why zygote? A: if there is no zygote, if the app wants to start a process, it will call the system api to help us open it. ...

Added by radiators on Wed, 19 Jan 2022 17:32:08 +0200

Smart recommendation Demo based on SpringBoot (only one tutorial is required from entry to actual combat)

SpringBoot+MySql+MongoDB+Spark+Redis+Neo4j+Swagger framework integration Demo 1 prepare the environment (there is already one to skip) Docker (docker under Linux is recommended) Docker in Windows Docker Desktop Need computer support and turn on Hyper-v (Note: Hpyer-v is incompatible with previous VMware) Docker in Linux require ...

Added by mrdonrule on Sat, 15 Jan 2022 07:16:57 +0200

Spring MVC framework Foundation

1. Spring integrated Web environment Disadvantages: the application context object is obtained through new ClasspathXmlApplicationContext, but it must be written every time the Bean is obtained from the container. Such disadvantages are that the configuration file is loaded many times and the application context object is created many times S ...

Added by phpcoder24july on Fri, 14 Jan 2022 04:50:56 +0200

Swift's practice in 58 anjuke real estate

01 Background In 2014, Apple released a new language Swift at WWDC. Since then, it has been continuously updated, iterated and optimized. Major companies ...

Added by mouli on Wed, 05 Jan 2022 13:48:34 +0200

Explain the possible memory leakage caused by Handler and the solutions at one time

Author: shrimp Mi Jun 1. Improper use of handler? First find out what is improper use of} Handler? Generally, it has the following characteristics: Handler adopts anonymous internal class or internal class extension, and holds the reference of external class {Activity} by default: // Anonymous Inner Class override fun onCreate(savedInst ...

Added by minds_gifts on Wed, 05 Jan 2022 12:03:06 +0200

Eight scenarios of Spring transaction failure

What scenarios do you use Spring's @ Transactional annotation to control transactions that do not take effect? I don't know if my friends have such an experience. When they are happy to write business code, suddenly the transaction in a method seems to fail. Then, when debug ging tracks the code, it is found that after the execution of the fir ...

Added by axon on Fri, 31 Dec 2021 09:47:36 +0200