freertos idle task, blocking delay

Blocking state: if a task is currently waiting for an external event, it is said to be in blocking state. The delay in rtos is called blocking delay, that is, when a task needs to delay, it will give up the right to use the CPU and enter the blocking state. During the period when the task is blocked, the CPU can execute other tasks (if oth ...

Added by AndrewJ1313 on Mon, 31 Jan 2022 19:20:07 +0200

FreeRTOS Series Part 4 - lists and list items

preface Lists and list items are a data structure of FreeRTOS. FreeRTOS makes extensive use of lists and list items. It is the cornerstone of FreeRTOS. 1. Basic concepts 1.1 list List is a data structure in FreeRTOS. It is conceptually similar to linked list. List is used to track tasks in FreeRTOS. On the list H defines a list_ The str ...

Added by Xyphon on Fri, 14 Jan 2022 06:07:14 +0200

Single chip microcomputer -- HLK-W801 Bluetooth remote control lighting

General catalogue Construction of single chip microcomputer HLK-W801 development environment Single chip microcomputer - HLK-W801 Bluetooth BLE function test Yesterday, the demo ran clearly. Today, let's take a look at the LED of the development board lit by the mobile phone through Bluetooth remote control. Although this is not a typical use ...

Added by SonnyKo on Sun, 02 Jan 2022 12:49:46 +0200

FreeRTOS review notes - semaphores

FreeRTOS review notes (IV) - semaphore 1, Binary semaphore and count semaphore 1. The idea of this routine: In this chapter, binary semaphores and count semaphores are written into the same code_ USE_BINARY_SEMAPHORE and_ USE_COUNT_SEMAPHORE to distinguish For binary semaphores, two tasks are created. One task is used to release semaphores ...

Added by Ghostgator on Tue, 28 Dec 2021 19:05:22 +0200

Analysis of ESP32 GPIO external interrupt Principle & GPIO external interrupt practice

Analysis of ESP32 GPIO external interrupt Principle & GPIO external interrupt practice Reading suggestions:   it has a certain Cortex-m architecture and Xtensa ® 32-bit LX6 architecture knowledge base. software environment VSCODE-ESP32-IDF4.3 plug in versionLVGL project for ESP32 hardware environment ESP32-D2WD External in ...

Added by oskom on Sat, 20 Nov 2021 11:22:57 +0200

FreeRTOS learning notes

FreeRTOS programming conventions port means interfaceint type is never used, only short and long types are used. In the MCU of Cortex-M kernel, short is 16 bits and long is 32 bitsData type redefinition is implemented in the header file portmacro.h *In keil, the default char is unsigned Variable prefix The prefix of char type variable is c,T ...

Added by hoolahoops on Wed, 17 Nov 2021 14:45:49 +0200

[freeRTOS Development Notes] pay attention to the priority value passed in when creating a task

1 Preface Recently, bloggers are doing some projects to adapt freeRTOS. In short, they are migrating from other RTOS platforms to freeRTOS platform. Since the previous codes are available, based on experience, we think that we only need to re encapsulate the interface of OSAL, and the upper logic should not be a problem in theory; But wh ...

Added by dennismcdougall on Tue, 16 Nov 2021 17:41:38 +0200

FreeRTOS create task

1, FreeRTOS task related API functions 1. Task create and delete API functions The most basic function of FreeRTOS is task management, and the most basic operation of task management is to create and delete tasks. The task creation and deletion API functions of FreeRTOS are as follows: functiondescribexTaskCreate()Create a task using a dynami ...

Added by Fatboy on Mon, 18 Oct 2021 22:03:32 +0300