JavaScript modular parsing

Comprehensive analysis of JavaScript modularity Definition: modularization refers to the process of dividing the system into several modules from top to bottom when solving a complex problem. It has a variety of attributes and reflects its internal characteristics. Defining modularity is a way to deal with the decomposition of complex sy ...

Added by LDusan on Mon, 03 Jan 2022 22:57:30 +0200

Teach you how to use Python to create a fishing countdown interface

preface Some time ago, I saw a fishing man's countdown template on Weibo. I felt very interesting. So I spent an hour writing a page to find the address of the Fishing Office (fishing time, of course). The template is as follows: Fishing Office 🐟 [Fishing Office] today is Tuesday, November 30, 2021 Hello, fisherman, no matter how tired ...

Added by Ashley Sheridan on Mon, 03 Jan 2022 22:53:51 +0200

canvas realizes the picture around the cup to prevent the deformation command in psd

We usually use ps to modify the image through the deformation command to fit it on the cup. How can we make it with canvas? Examples in ps The demand I met is to complete the real-time rendering preview of a cup, so I need to realize this bending effect. First I write the code, and then explain the principle var canvas = document.getEleme ...

Added by xgrewellx on Mon, 03 Jan 2022 22:52:46 +0200

Detailed explanation of front-end vue cli

01. Vue cli installation Vue is committed to standardizing the tools in the Vue ecosystem. It ensures that various building tools can be smoothly connected based on intelligent default configuration, so that you can focus on writing applications without having to spend days struggling with configuration. At the same time, it also provides flex ...

Added by gls2ro on Mon, 03 Jan 2022 20:22:58 +0200

HTML5 canvas framework fabricjs learning notes - pictures and background

preface This blog post is the second in the HTML5 canvas framework fabricjs learning notes series - pictures and backgrounds. It mainly introduces how to add picture objects, picture backgrounds and solid color backgrounds to the canvas. For the introduction, introduction and index of the framework, see Learning notes on HTML5 canvas fram ...

Added by agmorgan on Mon, 03 Jan 2022 20:11:55 +0200

Use and implementation of array find method in js

Use and implementation of array find method in js find method definition The find() method returns the value of the first element in the array that meets the conditions of the incoming function. Otherwise, undefined is returned. find method syntax arr.find(callback(element [, index[, selfArr]]) {} [, thisArg]) find method parameters callb ...

Added by stc7outlaw on Mon, 03 Jan 2022 19:57:40 +0200

Use of JWT in SDU-PTA projects

2021SC@SDUSC One of the issues to consider in a web project is how to authenticate users. User Authentication Method Traditional session authentication Internet services cannot be separated from user authentication. The general process is as follows. 1. Users send user names and passwords to the server. 2. After the server is ...

Added by mirana on Mon, 03 Jan 2022 19:41:20 +0200

HTML+CSS static page web page design operation - flower gift online shopping website (21 pages) HTML+CSS+JavaScript web page design example operation

HTML5 final assignment: Flower Gift website design - flower gift online shopping website (21 pages) HTML+CSS+JavaScript web page design example assignment 🧡Author home page - more source code 🧡HTML final assignment column Introduction to works 1. Introduction to web works: HTML final college students' web design homework A + level, you ca ...

Added by zack45668 on Mon, 03 Jan 2022 18:33:16 +0200

Several schemes of topic switching in Web front end

Welcome to my official account, Talk, for my latest article:1, ForewordThis article will introduce several common schemes of topic switching in the Web front end, and the sample code is based on the React framework. show you the code!2, Scenario 1: predefined themesIn this scenario, two themes of light color and dark color are predefined, and t ...

Added by jackinva on Mon, 03 Jan 2022 18:26:38 +0200

Beginners learn front-end - 2D attributes and 3D attributes

I have seen countless beautiful scenery, which is not as good as your review. Transform transform 2D transformation is the operation of elements in a plane. Elements can be displaced, rotated, or stretched horizontally or vertically 1,transform: none; Default value 2,transform: translate(); The unit of movement and translation is px By ...

Added by merebel on Mon, 03 Jan 2022 17:56:47 +0200