Learning route of SSM mode - [introduction notes of mybatis]

Mybatis is a persistence layer framework. In detail, it is a version persistence framework. It is configured through simple xml or annotations, so that the operation of the database is not so cumbersome; What is mybatis mybatis is a retrograde mapping framework, which is used to solve some problems encountered in database operation; As t ...

Added by mattl on Sun, 06 Feb 2022 04:42:35 +0200

[entry level] Hibernate environment construction

[idea2020.1.1] hibernate is a framework applied in the DAO layer. The functions of DBUtils used before are similar [distinction – > Java EE's three-tier architecture and MVC idea: Java EE three-tier structure: web layer, service layer and dao layer; MVC idea m: model, v: view, c: controller] Find jar package jar package acquisiti ...

Added by Brad7928 on Sat, 22 Jan 2022 11:15:25 +0200

Delayed loading mechanism of mybatis

Delayed loading mechanism of mybatis The meaning of delayed loading: relevant operations will be carried out only when it is used Mybatis supports delayed loading of association Association objects and Collection association collection objects Difference: association usage scenario is a one-to-one association query, and collection is a one t ...

Added by frankstr on Tue, 18 Jan 2022 00:42:40 +0200

Sure enough fresh e-commerce project (25) - member's only login

introduction In the previous section E-commerce project (24) - log printing , mainly explain the basic usage of slf4j log framework. This article briefly explains how to realize unique login for member services. 1. What is a unique login? We often use QQ, wechat, nailing and other social applications. They all support logging in on the ...

Added by gOloVasTicK on Tue, 11 Jan 2022 12:14:24 +0200

Database connection pool

Data connection pool Basic idea of database connection pool Is to establish a "buffer pool" for database connections. Put a certain number of connections in the buffer pool in advance. When you need to establish a database connection, just take one from the buffer pool and put it back after use. Introduction to database connec ...

Added by fansa on Wed, 22 Dec 2021 17:01:06 +0200

Would you please talk about your understanding of the Object class?

Object is the base class of all classes in java. It is the top of the entire class inheritance structure and the most abstract class. Everyone uses toString(), equals(), hashCode(), wait(), notify(), getClass() and other methods every day 1getClass() method The first stage of class loading is to load classes Load the class file into memory an ...

Added by mccark on Mon, 20 Dec 2021 05:18:04 +0200

2021-09-06 JPA Hibernate 5-byte code enhanced lazy loading (invalid due to jackson serialization)

JPA Hibernate 5 lazy load Cause: there is a large field (rich text field with base64 image) in the project. When querying the front end, you don't want every entity class to carry this field, so you try to load it lazily The test writes a student class, where description is a large field that needs to be loaded lazily, and there are some one- ...

Added by ReignFire on Wed, 15 Dec 2021 05:56:49 +0200

Declarative transaction control

Programming transaction control related objects Programming is to write code by using Java API. Declarative is to configure some things in the way of configuration PlatformTransactionManager The PlatformTransactionManager interface is the transaction manager of spring. It provides our common methods of operating transactions, that is, how tr ...

Added by Hokus on Tue, 09 Nov 2021 01:11:27 +0200

Hibernate_02_ Association relationship

Objectives: 1: Understanding one to many relationships 2: Understand lazy loading and forced loading 3: Understanding one to many autocorrelation 4: Understanding many to many relationships 1, One to many association, lazy loading and forced loading One to many association configuration (environment: order (1) and order details (m ...

Added by wpsd2006 on Mon, 01 Nov 2021 21:51:16 +0200

Hibernate Association

Today's goal: 1. One to many association configuration (database: master table, slave table, association through foreign keys) 2. Lazy loading 3. One to many autocorrelation 4. For many to many association, many to many cannot be directly mapped in the database (create a bridge table (intermediate table) and convert a many to many relations ...

Added by isam4m on Thu, 28 Oct 2021 10:50:07 +0300