Design and implementation of general interface open platform -- (32) business message processing flow of message service

The message service adopts the publishing subscriber mode. The message producer sends the message to the message service center, and the message service center copies and forwards the message to the message consumer. From the perspective of process, it can be regarded as two stages of interaction, one is from producer to message center, and the ...

Added by eziitiss on Fri, 11 Feb 2022 15:52:20 +0200

Design and implementation of general interface open platform -- (35) security enhancement of message service

Our overall design for the message service is that after the client connects to the server, it initiates identity authentication, carries the application code and key, and hash encrypts the key. After the server passes the authentication, it establishes a long connection. ​ For the long connection, we think it is secure. Malicious users cannot ...

Added by Squallyboy on Fri, 11 Feb 2022 03:54:15 +0200

Implementing Api interface encrypted communication with java

Interface encryption communication idea: 1) Agree on the secret key for communication between both parties, such as appKey = wenzhou 2) Communication security verification passed sign ature  1. Generate timestamp, random number or random string, etc., such as timestamp: time=677899002   2. The communication secret key, time stamp ...

Added by Paul Arnold on Wed, 09 Feb 2022 15:53:08 +0200

Interface in Java

Basic introduction Interface is to give methods that are not implemented at one time, package them together, and write these methods according to the specific situation when a class is to be used. Syntax: interface interface name{ Attribute + method } class name implements interface{ Own properties / / methods } Note: before jdk7, there ...

Added by donnierivera on Tue, 08 Feb 2022 09:05:25 +0200

Re learning the basics of Java -- interface | CSDN creation punch in

😋 Interface Java interface is a declaration of a series of methods and a collection of method features. An interface has only method features and no method implementation. Therefore, these methods can be implemented by different classes in different places, and these implementations can have different behaviors (functions). 🌔 Definit ...

Added by biopv on Fri, 04 Feb 2022 09:07:05 +0200

User defined parameter verification annotation

Problem description Standard interface development is always inseparable from parameter verification. Naturally, Spring has prepared corresponding templates for us. Parameters can be checked and verified by using @ NotEmpty, @ NotBlank, @ NotNull and other annotations, but these annotations must be used with @ Valid to take effect. For details ...

Added by jubripley on Sun, 30 Jan 2022 20:38:49 +0200

[Android] zero basis to soaring | event handling mechanism based on listening

3.1.1 event handling mechanism based on listening classification Android basics tutorial Introduction to this section: In Chapter 2, we learn about Android UI controls. We can use these controls to form a beautiful interface, but it's just an interface; The next step is to start learning logic and business impl ...

Added by chrisdburns on Sat, 22 Jan 2022 20:11:27 +0200

How to build an interface automation test framework?

Previous articles Overview and process sorting of interface automation test In, we introduce the process of interface automation test. In our work, when a project determines to conduct interface automation test, we generally face two situations: 1. The company has been doing automated testing and has become one of them In this case, what we ...

Added by Hepp on Sun, 16 Jan 2022 02:00:14 +0200

Java -- interface 2 (relationship between classes and interfaces, difference between abstract classes and interfaces)

Relationship between class and interface Relationship between class and class Inheritance relationship can only be inherited in single layer, but it can be inherited in multiple layersRelationship between class and interface The implementation relationship can be implemented alone or multiple, and multiple interfaces can be implemented while i ...

Added by kachurak on Sat, 15 Jan 2022 01:54:55 +0200

Inner member of class 5: inner class

Inner member of class 5: inner class In Java, it is allowed to declare one class A in another class B, then class A is the inner class, and class B is called the outer class Classification of internal classes: member internal classes (static and non static) vs local internal classes (within methods, code blocks and constructors) Member inne ...

Added by wiseoleweazel on Wed, 05 Jan 2022 09:20:43 +0200