Web notes - XML files

XML introduction Full name of XML: EXtensible Markup language XML function: used for data storage and transmission XML writing Create a file with the suffix xml Write header information in the first line: <? xml  version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" > XML rules Structural integrity: label correspondence -- > & ...

Added by Roscoe on Mon, 07 Mar 2022 20:18:44 +0200

Interviewer: In what order do threads execute in Java?

Summary: Multi-threaded concurrent execution order in Java has always been the focus of interviews. Mastering the execution order of threads in Java will not only make you stand out in interviews, but also enable you to quickly locate "bizarre" problems caused by multi-threaded concurrency problems in your normal work so that you can ...

Added by newhen on Mon, 07 Mar 2022 19:59:39 +0200

[Java] Proxy mode

proxy pattern Simply put: instead of accessing the real object, the proxy object can be used to provide additional functional operations to extend the function of the target object without modifying the original target object. The main purpose of the proxy mode is to extend the capabilities of the target object, for example, you can add s ...

Added by harvillo on Mon, 07 Mar 2022 19:23:26 +0200

Java Concurrent Programming

Relationship among process, thread and co process Process: in essence, it is an independently executed program. Process is the basic concept of resource allocation and scheduling by the operating system. The operating system is an independent unit for resource allocation and scheduling.Thread: it is the smallest unit that the operating system ...

Added by PHPMan on Mon, 07 Mar 2022 19:16:02 +0200

Freemaker generates word templates

Freemaker generates word templates 1, Introduce dependency <dependency> <groupId>org.freemarker</groupId> <artifactId>freemarker</artifactId> <version>2.3.28</version> </dependency> 2, Tool class Note: for the attribute of Configuration configuration, in some cases, the file grammar wil ...

Added by mesh2005 on Mon, 07 Mar 2022 18:53:14 +0200

Shiro study notes

Shiro takes notes, Xiaobai records the learning process, and the boss takes a detour I What is Shiro Shiro, like Security, is a Security framework. It can help us realize authentication, authorization, MD5 encryption, caching and other functions. Shiro has three elements: Subject, Security Manager and Realm. Subject: the current subject ...

Added by crispytown on Mon, 07 Mar 2022 18:40:45 +0200

Some problems encountered by Java using RXTX

Make your own development and use some packages of rxtx in java to call the c library to communicate with the device. A little experience: For operations such as library files that need to be imported, a lot of information can be found on the network: introduce: https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_44613063/article/details/98593433 Adopt rxtxcomm pa ...

Added by adrianl on Mon, 07 Mar 2022 18:16:04 +0200

In depth analysis of spring MVC exception handling system

@[TOC] there is a complete exception handling system in spring MVC. This system is very easy to use. Today, SongGe will spend some time talking about the exception handling system in spring MVC. Let's sort out the exception system in spring MVC from beginning to end. 1. Overview of exception resolver In the exception system of spring MVC, the ...

Added by lisa3711 on Mon, 07 Mar 2022 18:03:03 +0200

JavaSE learning notes Day02

JavaSEDay02 summary notes01 identifierIntroduction: the symbols that give names to classes, methods, variables, etcSimply remember: your own nameNaming rules for identifiers:Number 0 ~ 9Character a-z A-Z_ $Cannot be keywordCannot start with a numberStrictly case sensitiveIdentifier naming conventions:Nomenclature of small hump: (variable) ...

Added by Svoboda on Mon, 07 Mar 2022 17:34:33 +0200

java implementation of box diagram

Function of box chart: cleaning abnormal data Box plot, also known as box whisker chart, box chart or box line chart, is a statistical chart used to display a group of data dispersion. Named for its shape like a box. It is also often used in various fields, often in quality management. It is mainly used to reflect the distribution charact ...

Added by smpdawg on Mon, 07 Mar 2022 17:19:15 +0200