Java note 7 object oriented programming (intermediate)
7.1 package
The essence of a package is actually to create different folders / directories to hold class files
7.1.1 naming rules
It can only contain numbers, letters, underscores and small dots, However, it cannot start with a number, keyword or reserved wordcom. Company name. Project name Business module name
7.1.2 common packages
java.l ...
Added by netzverwalter on Mon, 07 Mar 2022 17:15:26 +0200
2018 Blue Bridge Cup clear code problem Java detailed explanation (one of the solutions, the complete code is at the end of the article)
This question is a blank filling question. You only need to calculate the result and use the output statement in the code to output the filled result.
The glyphs of Chinese characters exist in the font library. Even today, the 16 # dot matrix font library is still widely used.
16. The font of dot matrix regards each Chinese character ...
Added by neroag on Mon, 07 Mar 2022 16:48:18 +0200
JMM model and volatile keyword
I JMM memory model
1.1 what is the JMM memory model
When multiple threads use the same shared variable: Step 1: copy a copy of the shared variable from the main memory to your own working memory, and modify the copy of the shared variable in your own working memory. Step 2: after modifying the value of the shared variable, write the new ...
Added by waltonia on Mon, 07 Mar 2022 16:35:17 +0200
[golden three silver four sides trial season] Java object-oriented high-frequency interview questions
the golden three silver four is a good time for job hopping and salary increase. BOGO has sorted out a lot of high-frequency interview questions to help you find a better job. Oh, pay attention and thank you for your support.
Object oriented interview questions
1. Talk about your understanding of object-oriented thinking?
Process or ...
Added by duclet on Mon, 07 Mar 2022 15:15:44 +0200
IO stream principle and stream classification basic introduction to FileInputStream class and FileOutputStream class
IO stream principle and stream classification
How java IO streams work
I/O is the abbreviation of Input stream / Output stream. I/O technology is a very practical technology for processing data transmission. Such as reading and writing files, network communication, etc.In Java program, the input / output operation of data is carried out in th ...
Added by mnuzum on Mon, 07 Mar 2022 14:54:55 +0200
Spring Boot ------- integrated Shiro
Spring Boot (14) -- Integrated Shiro
23. Introduction to Shiro
23.1 what is Shiro
Apache Shiro is a security (permission) framework for JavaShiro can easily develop good enough applications, which can be used not only in Java se environment, but also in Java EE environmentShiro can complete: authentication, authorization, encryption, session ...
Added by kinadian on Mon, 07 Mar 2022 14:32:32 +0200
LinkedList set source code analysis
The linked list structure should be clear to everyone. LinkedList is implemented based on two-way linked list. The previous article briefly analyzed ArrayList, which is implemented based on array; This article will make a simple analysis of LinkedList. As long as you understand the structure of the linked list, the source code lo ...
Added by DonnieDarko on Mon, 07 Mar 2022 14:21:56 +0200
Introduction to Java generics
1 what is generics
1.1 problems when not using generics
Before JAVA introduced generics, you can store any data type Object by building a collection with the element type of Object. However, in the process of using the collection, you need to know the data type of each element. Otherwise, it is easy to cause ClassCastException exceptions. The ...
Added by Niccaman on Mon, 07 Mar 2022 14:17:53 +0200
The 12th Blue Bridge Cup Java group B provincial competition (title and AC Title Solution)
Question 1: ASCII code
[problem description] It is known that the ASCII code of capital letter A is 65. What is the ASCII code of capital letter L? [answer submission] This is a question filled in with results. You just need to calculate the results and submit them. The result of this question is one An integer. Only fill in this intege ...
Added by JaGeK on Mon, 07 Mar 2022 13:48:18 +0200
Changwen. Take you through with code examples: be proficient in the use of completable future
There are only two ways to create threads: inherit Thread or implement Runnable interface. However, both methods have a defect that they have no return value
After Java 1.5, you can obtain a Future object containing the return value by submitting a Callable to the thread pool
Limitations of Future interface
When the thread of Future ...
Added by digitalecartoons on Mon, 07 Mar 2022 13:38:46 +0200