Java - about classes and objects

1. Preliminary cognition C Language is**Process oriented**(Pay attention to the process. The behavior involved in the whole process is the method), analyze the steps to solve the problem, and solve the problem through function call. Java Is based on**object-oriented**(The focus is on objects. Objects are the subjects involved in the process, w ...

Added by kpulatsu on Tue, 08 Mar 2022 21:27:27 +0200

Random and safe - state mode

I Introduction to status mode Here is the reference The behavior in the state mode is determined by the state, and there are different behaviors in different states. The structure of state mode and strategy mode is almost the same, but their purpose and essence are completely different. The behavior of state mode is parallel and irreplace ...

Added by cresler on Tue, 08 Mar 2022 21:14:17 +0200

Smash java Concurrent 7JDK9 baffle and concurrent HashMap

1 CountDownLatch The utility model relates to a disposable baffle. After the thread reaches the baffle, it will be blocked. Until all relevant threads reach the baffle, all threads will wake up at the same time and then execute down. The source code is very simple. 2 CyclicBarrier A CountDownLatch that can loop is in the code. After the ...

Added by fooDigi on Tue, 08 Mar 2022 20:39:52 +0200

Seata source code analysis: a preliminary official example

    Quick start Let's start with a microservice example. The official example uses the AT mode in seata distributed transaction, that is, the example is based on: Based on a relational database that supports local ACID transactions.Java application, accessing database through JDBC.. Use case Business logic for users to purchase goods. T ...

Added by daiwa on Tue, 08 Mar 2022 20:26:34 +0200

2021-04-11 install and configure the Java environment on the MAC side.

Java basic disk preface From the following points, write a separate article in detail. (ps: write only practical content) 1. Install and configure environment variables on the Mac side. 2. Basic grammar. 3. Object oriented. 4. Collection framework. 5. Exception frame. 6. IO framework (InputStream, OutputStream). 7. Multithreading. 8. ...

Added by metrathon on Tue, 08 Mar 2022 19:41:13 +0200

JavaSEDemo14 exception handling and multithreading

brief introduction This is a note organized in 2021/04/11There may be a little more details, but please be patient to read themMy content and answers are not necessarily the best and most correct. Welcome to your comments for correction and improvement The difference between throw and throws throws, written after the method signature, ca ...

Added by KRAK_JOE on Tue, 08 Mar 2022 19:04:28 +0200

Message oriented middleware ActiveMQ

ActiveMQ Introduction to ActiveMQ ActiveMQ is the most popular and powerful open source message bus produced by Apache. ActiveMQ is a Fully support JMS1 1 and J2EE 1.4 specifications, although the JMS specification has been issued for a long time But JMS still plays a special role in today's J2EE applications. What is news A message is a un ...

Added by jonwondering on Tue, 08 Mar 2022 18:49:03 +0200

MySQL advanced 1 -- constraints

1. Restraint 1.1 concept Constraints are rules that act on columns in a table and are used to restrict the data added to the table For example, we can restrict the id column so that its value cannot be repeated and cannot be null. The existence of constraints ensures the correctness, effectiveness and integrity of data in the database Addin ...

Added by iRock on Tue, 08 Mar 2022 17:40:06 +0200

java thread explanation

Thread state In Java lang.Thread. Six threads are defined in the enumeration class state, as shown in the following figure New: the thread state of a thread that has not been started.Runnable: the thread state of the runnable thread, waiting for CPU scheduling (in two cases, running and waiting for CPU to execute).Blocked: thread status that ...

Added by spider0176 on Tue, 08 Mar 2022 17:24:55 +0200

Javase (write something that you may not remember clearly in your study. It is probably only suitable for your own use)

JAVA01 public class Demon01{ static string name;//Adding static can be used directly below int age;//This requires new public static void main(String [] args){ Demon01 demon01=new Demon01(); System.out.println(demon01.age); System.out.println(name); } } Constant: final constant name = value; final pi =3.14; ...

Added by Ne.OnZ on Tue, 08 Mar 2022 17:03:09 +0200