SpringBoot builds a Markdown based blog - Part 1

In this article, I will set up a personal blog, which contains articles written in the way of Markdown. We will use Spring Boot to develop the project and some other tools and libraries. We will push the project to the GitHub repository and post the post to our blog using Heroku's automatic deployment function. In addition, we will use the ...

Added by kritikia on Tue, 08 Feb 2022 16:12:04 +0200

Research on spring data JPA entitymanager injection query

Research on spring data JPA entitymanager injection query background In Spring Data JPA, we know that entityManager is an important tool for us to operate the database. It can not only directly perform crud and other basic operations on the entity, but also directly use native SQL statements to operate the database through methods such as ...

Added by dcallstar51 on Fri, 24 Dec 2021 15:21:17 +0200

2021-09-06 JPA Hibernate 5-byte code enhanced lazy loading (invalid due to jackson serialization)

JPA Hibernate 5 lazy load Cause: there is a large field (rich text field with base64 image) in the project. When querying the front end, you don't want every entity class to carry this field, so you try to load it lazily The test writes a student class, where description is a large field that needs to be loaded lazily, and there are some one- ...

Added by ReignFire on Wed, 15 Dec 2021 05:56:49 +0200

SpringBoot integrates spring data JPA + querydsl and use cases

Over the years, I have contacted / learned a lot of ORM frameworks or libraries. dbutils mybatis sql2o beetlsql hibernate cayenne spring-data-jpa querydsl I think spring data JPA + queryds is the most handy tool in springboot applications. But it seems that it is not very popular in China. Looking at domestic open source projects, the project ...

Added by beebum on Fri, 03 Dec 2021 16:20:16 +0200

Spring Data JPA report HOUR_OF_DAY: 0 -> 1 exception resolution process and solution

During data query, the console reports caused by: com.mysql.cj.exceptions.wrongargumentexception: hour_ OF_ Day: 0 - > 1 exception. The query shows that this is caused by querying the MySQL database and converting the field type to datetime.There are many online solutions, most of which are solved by setting the time zone. Unfortunately, thr ...

Added by jamz310 on Thu, 04 Nov 2021 22:42:55 +0200