Hand-on instructions for using Python to grab QQ music data (4th bounce)

[1. Project objectives] By using Python to grab QQ music data (the first shot), we achieve the song name, album name, playback link of a song with a specified number of pages in the QQ music singer's single line. By using Python to grab QQ music data (second round) by hand, we have achieved lyrics and top reviews for specified QQ music songs. B ...

Added by Stoned Gecko on Sun, 26 Apr 2020 20:29:49 +0300

Search elastic4s search filter mode

Now we can start to explore the core part of es: search. Search has two modes: filter and query. Filter mode is the filter mode: find the records that meet the filter conditions as the results. Query mode is divided into two steps: first filter, and then calculate the similarity of each eligible record. It's just a lot of scoring. If we want to ...

Added by phppaper on Sun, 26 Apr 2020 16:51:34 +0300

Docker private warehouse, volume, port mapping

Private Warehouse EstablishmentTo build a private warehouse(1) Download the registry image at the character terminal(2) The client sets the daemon.json file to specify the private warehouse location(3) Generate registry container, open 5000 ports(4) Image labeling: docker tag original image name warehouse IP: port / image name (must be labeled ...

Added by serg91 on Thu, 23 Apr 2020 18:15:23 +0300

ABP frame entry pit - configure User Secrets

Configure User Secrets ABP pit record - Contents cause In the past, I used to save the connection string and other information in User Secrets, but when I moved the connection string to secrets.json, I found that the following errors would be reported during migration: In short, connection string information cannot be obtained durin ...

Added by gmbot on Tue, 21 Apr 2020 15:12:37 +0300

Summary of common ES6 features

I. ES6 Basic Understanding 1. What is ES6? ES6 refers to ECMAScript 6.0 and is a standard for the JavaScript language.The goal is to make JavaScript a language for enterprise development by allowing you to write complex, large applications. 2. What is the difference between ES6 and JavaScript? ES6 is a standard for JavaScript, and JavaScript is ...

Added by suomynonA on Sat, 18 Apr 2020 00:04:07 +0300

WeChat generates two-dimensional code, scanning code concern about the official account PHP

Use to wechat interface is“ Generate QR code with parameters ”Two kinds of QR codes can be generated, one is temporary QR code, which will expire with a large amount of generation. It is mainly used in business scenarios such as account binding, where the QR code is not required to be permanently saved; the other is permanent QR cod ...

Added by Riparian on Fri, 17 Apr 2020 19:13:17 +0300

Accumulator monitoring of Flink source code analysis

Let's explore how to obtain accumulator monitoring again. Let's follow the screenshot to find out: 1.2. Then we find the node.js rendering module index.js fileFind out here that the data processing and writing of the Flink web front end is so complicated. Are those developers deliberately writing so complex that we can't understand it? 3. Know ...

Added by THW on Fri, 17 Apr 2020 18:19:46 +0300

IOptions, IOptions monitor, and IOptions snapshot

background ASP.NET Core introduces the Options mode, which uses classes to represent related setting groups. To put it simply, a strongly typed class is used to express configuration items, which brings many benefits.Beginners will find that this framework has three main consumer oriented interfaces: ioptions < toptions >, ioptions monit ...

Added by eabigelow on Fri, 17 Apr 2020 11:08:00 +0300

(Introduction) FastAPI for the Python web Framework - an API with higher performance than Flask and Tornada

Officially, the FastAPI is a modern, fast (high-performance) Web framework that uses Python 3.6+ to build APIs based on standard Python type tips FastAPI on the shoulders of giants? To a large extent, this giant is the Flask framework. The FastAPI is syntactically very similar to Flask and has the same workmanship. Technical background: P ...

Added by Bleej on Thu, 16 Apr 2020 21:26:17 +0300

netcore non injection global get profile

In the development of netcore, the most common thing is injection. For example, if we want to get the content of appsettings.json, we need to inject it, and then get it in the controller. But if we want to use the content of appsettings.json in the service, this is a problem, and it is a very troublesome thing for every controller to inject it ...

Added by avianrand on Wed, 15 Apr 2020 20:31:18 +0300