Kubernetes practice - build microservices from scratch 1 - build a single tier Node/Express network application with kind

Using kind to build a single tier architecture Node/Express network application Kubernetes practice - build microservice1 from scratch preface Prepare to write a series of practical Kubernetes tutorials. After all, cnblogs, as the earliest technology blog in China, have started to move to Kubernetes. Here, we need to give applause to ...

Added by BrettCarr on Wed, 20 May 2020 08:27:22 +0300

Implementation of mutual transformation between JSON and HTML

The main function is to convert html to json, and then restore html by json style and script tags can be removed Convert inline styles to JS objects Convert class to array Mainly depends on htmlparser2 ; this is a powerful html parsing library with superior performance Direct code import { Parser } from "htmlparser2" const numberValueReg ...

Added by reddrum on Tue, 19 May 2020 17:50:42 +0300

Another way to write Spring MVC interface

1. Preface In general, the paradigm for writing Spring MVC interface is as follows: @RestController @RequestMapping("/v1/userinfo") public class UserInfoController { @GetMapping("/foo") public String foo() { return "felord.cn"; } } Today, I'm going to use the new Functional Endpoints introduced by Spring 5 to play. Sp ...

Added by mynameisbob on Fri, 15 May 2020 07:48:02 +0300

The SpringBoot Getting Started series implements uniform exception handling, which is as simple as that!

Next, we will focus on how to use uniform exception handling in SpringBoot applications.How do I reuse exception data with normal business data and return it as a json?   Why uniform exception handling Currently, our project architecture is basically a separate front-end and back-end model: developed using Restful interface protocol, the fo ...

Added by DeGauss on Wed, 13 May 2020 20:00:56 +0300

openlayers6 heat map (download with source code)

preface I have written a map heat map article in openlayers 4 before, but because it is written by encapsulating a layer of js code, many beginners seem to be a bit laborious, so this article rewrites a map heat map article, directly based on the latest version of openlayers 6, in the form of pure html + js + css, without any encapsulation. ...

Added by richiec on Mon, 11 May 2020 09:04:37 +0300

jq uses jsonp to realize Baidu search

Project realization: restore Baidu search function; Project principle: use json callback page to transfer parameters; What is jsonp? It uses the src address of the < script > tag to make the target page call back to the local page and bring in parameters, which also solves the cross domain problem; The code is as follows: html (not provid ...

Added by Punk Rock Geek on Sun, 10 May 2020 19:05:02 +0300

Serverless Reality: How to combine NLP for text summary and keyword extraction?

Automatic text abstraction and keyword extraction belong to the category of natural language processing.One advantage of extracting a summary is that the reader can tell with minimal information whether the article is meaningful or valuable to him or her and whether he or she needs to read it in more detail. The advantage of extracting a keywor ...

Added by khaine on Fri, 08 May 2020 04:03:21 +0300

WeChat official account data grab

1. grab all the files of a official account. Charles + wechat for computer + pycharm+python   2. Analysis After analysis: every official account list page is connected. At the beginning of https://mp.weixin.qq.com/mp/profile_ext, only a few references to each official account are taken at the time of grasping. Grab:   3. Code impo ...

Added by MNSarahG on Thu, 07 May 2020 18:56:45 +0300

How to quickly view the IP address and other information of the login user in Spring Security?

Last article I've talked about how to use a more elegant way to customize Spring Security login logic. A more elegant way can effectively avoid the inefficiency brought by custom filters. I suggest you read it and understand the authentication logic in Spring Security by the way. Based on the above, this paper will continue to discuss with you ...

Added by jimjack145 on Wed, 06 May 2020 11:21:22 +0300

Reptile small case: suitable for Python zero foundation, reptile data collection interested students!

Preface The text and pictures of this article are from the Internet, only for learning and communication, not for any commercial purpose. The copyright belongs to the original author. If you have any questions, please contact us in time for handling. When I was a child, I always had 100000 questions about why. Today, I take you to climb a quest ...

Added by javamint on Wed, 06 May 2020 10:44:25 +0300