Using Spring in common WEB projects

Spring is an object container to help us manage the objects in the project. Which objects in the web project should be managed by spring? Objects involved in the project Let's review the objects involved in the WEB project Servlet Request Response Session Service DAO POJO Analysis When we learn IOC containers, we know that Spring can help us ...

Added by theoph on Tue, 04 Feb 2020 08:17:18 +0200

JSP~~JSTL~~Core Label Library~~Use of Circular Label forEach

forEach iteration tag: This tag is used to iterate over a series of objects in a Collection set and can specify the number of iterations. The general format used is as follows: <c:forEach items="collection" var="varName" [varstatus="varStatusName"][begin="begin"] [end="end"] [step="step"]& ...

Added by evan12 on Tue, 28 Jan 2020 05:28:02 +0200

Experiment 4 JDBC Technology

Experiment 4 JDBC Technology 1, Objective: 1. Familiar with MySQL installation and configuration method; familiar with JDBC basic programming method; master the method of adding, deleting, modifying and querying database in web program; 2. Understand how to program database in JSP+JavaBean+Servl ...

Added by thatsme on Wed, 22 Jan 2020 10:06:31 +0200

Servlet3 specification directory structure

The directory structure of the platform is as follows: Put all the static resources, jsp and other information in resources/META-INF directory, which is not very understood. I used to put them in webapp/WEB-INF directory, so they can not be accessed directly through url. I can see a blog on the In ...

Added by micbox on Fri, 17 Jan 2020 03:11:09 +0200

Java Filter does not block certain requests. Java Filter supports Ajax requests

================================ Copyright 2020-01-10   1, Java permission filter, such as login filter Configuration files are added to configure requests that are not intercepted. You can customize the rules that are not intercepted. There are three types: 1. Do not block requests containing / service ...

Added by kellerkind on Fri, 10 Jan 2020 19:33:30 +0200

Spring bootstrap table table creation

There are many kinds of foreground table plug-ins. datatable and gridtable have been used before. To try a new one, we choose bootstrap table. The main purpose is to design the interface with bootstrap, so we choose this one. The official website of bootstrap table is ...

Added by cordoprod on Sat, 04 Jan 2020 03:11:35 +0200

Using ajax to achieve multiple deletion and front and back interaction

/*Multiple deletion. The following code is written by myself in springCloud, But the methods are the same. If you understand them, you will*/ The JSP page is as follows: <%@ page language='java' pageEncoding='UTF-8'%> <%@taglib uri='' prefix='dssp' %> <%@taglib prefix='c' uri='http ...

Added by jimmyp3016 on Sat, 04 Jan 2020 01:22:04 +0200

Nine built-in objects and scopes of jsp

1. pageContext saves data in only one page <body> <% // Set the data key - > value of two page ranges pageContext.setAttribute("name","page Wang Er Xiao"); pageContext.setAttribute("age",12); %> <% // Value String name=(String)pageContext.getAttribute("name"); int age=(Integer)pageContext.getAttribute(" ...

Added by vexious on Thu, 02 Jan 2020 00:30:39 +0200

The difference between include instruction and include action element in jsp

The difference between include instruction and include action element in jsp In short: The introduced resource and the original resource of the include action element can be executed independently, and the include instruction needs to be merged The include action element run contains and only contains the run results (only th ...

Added by micmania1 on Fri, 27 Dec 2019 20:26:05 +0200

Struts2 file upload

Upload a single file Form: <s:form action="HandlerAction" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <s:file name="profile" label="Head portrait" /> <%-- <s:file name="profile" label="Head portrait" accept="image/jpeg" size="102400" /> --%> <s:submit value="Submit" /> </s:form> method="POST& ...

Added by Bramme on Fri, 27 Dec 2019 04:44:36 +0200