React-Redux and MVC Style

Preface _When I first came into contact with React, some people exclamated that this was not the JSP of the year?Generating html directly from code is a mix of the two, and quite a few people like to write event responses and business logic inside a component, which can seem like a headache.JSP was ended by MVC that year, so we can use MVC's i ...

Added by faifas on Sun, 23 Jun 2019 21:00:26 +0300

Learn Notes Eclipse Struts2 - Create a web Project

Article Summary1. How to create a Struts 2 Web application2. Configure struts 2 jar3. Add Struts 2 Servlet Filter4. Configure struts.xml, configure URL s, java classes, etc.5. Build and run English Literature Please click here~ 1. Prerequisites Struts 2 requires Servlet API version 2.4 or higher, JSP 2.0 or higher, and Java 7 or higher. 2. Cre ...

Added by hiprakhar on Wed, 12 Jun 2019 20:39:06 +0300

js control, get information about check boxes, drop-down lists

Get check box information (take a questionnaire as an example) Requirements: Multiple choices, and control of a question can only select up to X answers jsp Page: <form class="checkchoose" action="#"> <!-- Start cycle --> <c:choose> <c:when test="${not empty list_questions}"> ...

Added by Jonob on Wed, 12 Jun 2019 19:55:42 +0300

Introduction to Java from Introduction to Abandon: Basic Data Transfer in Struts 2

Comparing this with JSP's data transmission mode, you will find that... can really write two fewer sentences of code!!!Two commonly used data transfer methods in struts 2 are as follows:Attribute MatchingModelDriven interface matching (often used for custom types)Individuals prefer to use the first one. Why? Because _________________Next, pleas ...

Added by bwcc on Mon, 10 Jun 2019 00:17:31 +0300

Form form submitted by Html appears Chinese scramble code in jsp

Form form submission has two methods: get and post. When submitting to jsp, the way to deal with Chinese scrambling is different. 1. Handling post method to submit Chinese scrambling code When submitting by post method, there is really no special method, just pay attention to the coding format of html pages and jsp pages. It can be G ...

Added by Cardale on Fri, 07 Jun 2019 22:22:33 +0300

Cookie in HttpURLConnection

If you want to visit the website through HttpURLConnection, the website returns cookie information. The next time you visit the website through HttpURLConnection, you return cookie information to the website. You can use the following code. CookieManager manager = new CookieManager(); CookieHandler.setDefault(manager); Through these two lines ...

Added by lisa71283 on Wed, 05 Jun 2019 22:04:45 +0300

Java Paging Query--Paging Display

When there are too many data bars in the database, a page can not be displayed. This is to set up paging query. The first thing to use is the limit condition of database sql statement to realize grouping query.The sql statement is roughly in the form of: select * from table limit to start the index, showing the number of barsWith this statement ...

Added by brandon on Tue, 04 Jun 2019 21:40:26 +0300

This time, I don't even need web.xml. I build SSM environment in pure Java.

In Spring Boot project, normally there is no XML configuration, because Spring Boot does not recommend using XML. Note that Spring Boot does not support it. Spring Boot recommends that developers use Java configuration to build frameworks. In Spring Boot, a large number of automation configuration is achieved through Java configuration. This se ...

Added by kpegram on Wed, 29 May 2019 21:59:28 +0300

JAVA Creates MS AD Account and Sets Password through SSL Certificate

JAVA Creates MS AD Account and Sets Password through SSL CertificateRecently, due to the need for work to sort out automation things, because the company launched OA last year, so the company's entry system will submit user information to the IT department, the earliest way is to enter, the IT department collects user information in AD to creat ...

Added by zzlong on Tue, 21 May 2019 02:29:58 +0300

Swagger Document to Word Document

GitHub address: Original works, reproduced, please indicate the source: I. Preface Why does this demand arise? As Party B, our company is always chasing for an API document by customers, when we drop a Swagger document address to our customer ...

Added by Sassci on Sat, 18 May 2019 09:01:56 +0300