CENTOS installs CDH and Kudu-1

edition: CENTOS7.2CDH5.10Kudu1.2 2.1 general This article centos7 2. The process of operating system deploying CDH Enterprise Edition. The installation of Cloudera enterprise data center is mainly divided into four steps: Cluster server configuration, including installing operating system, closing firewall, synchronizing server clock, etc ...

Added by bdata28 on Thu, 10 Feb 2022 01:07:22 +0200

hash and range partition of kudu

preface 1. The partition table supports hash partition and range partition. Tables are divided into tables according to the partition mode on the primary key column. Each tablet is provided by at least one tablet server. Ideally, a table is divided into multiple tables and distributed among different table servers to maximize parallel operatio ...

Added by Shadow Wolf on Thu, 16 Dec 2021 06:05:56 +0200