yield and Generator of php and its application

yield and Generator of php and its application Reference resources When viewing the laravel source code, you can see the following code vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\Container.php public function tagged($tag) { if (! isset($this->tags[$tag])) { return []; ...

Added by nomanoma on Sun, 19 Jan 2020 10:04:29 +0200

Laravel Composer automatic loading mechanism

outline PHP autoloading function 1.1 Origin of PHP autoloading function 1.2 PHP autoload function u autoload() Problems with 1.3 u autoload() Function 1.4 SPL Autoload PSR Specification The automatic loading process of comoposer composer source analysis 4.1 Startup 4.2 Composer autoload file 1, PHP autoloading function 1.1 Origin o ...

Added by Dolemite50 on Sat, 14 Dec 2019 10:54:58 +0200

Laravel user authorization Gate and Policy

Main points: Laravel has two main ways to implement user authorization: gates and policies. Gates accepts an instance of the currently logged in user as the first parameter. And receive optional parameters, such as the relevant Eloquent model. Using command to generate policy PHP artican make: policy postpolicy -- model = post The ...

Added by mithril on Sat, 07 Dec 2019 16:04:08 +0200

[PHP advanced features] ArrayAccess (array access) interface

php provides six commonly used predefined interfaces to implement certain specific capabilities. The most commonly used one is ArrayAccess, which is used in popular frameworks like Laravel. What is ArrayAccess As stated in the official documentation, it "provides an interface to the ability to access objects like arrays.". It provides ...

Added by cheechm on Fri, 06 Dec 2019 13:55:26 +0200

Self developed composer package of lumen

Take my zero / lumen elastic search package as an example Note that this plug-in uses the lumen framework 1. Installation dependency composer require zzq/lumen-elasticsearch 2. Create the elasticsearch.php configuration file with the following contents: <?php return [ /** * You can specify one of several different connections whe ...

Added by ThaSpY on Wed, 13 Nov 2019 16:24:15 +0200

PHP Framework websocket Active Message Push

Laravel combines swoole to implement a function that actively triggers message pushing, which allows you to send custom messages to all members of the template message, instead of sending messages through the client, and listens to the messages sent in the message on the service side for business logic. Active Message Push ImplementationNormall ...

Added by neptun on Tue, 12 Nov 2019 05:17:24 +0200

PHP Laravel queue tips: Fail, Retry or Delay

When you create a queue job, listener, or subscriber to push to the queue, you may begin to think that once dispatched, it's up to you, the queue worker, to decide what to do with your logic. Um... It's not that you can't interact with queue workers from within a job, but usually, even if you do, it's unnecessary. This magical operation is due ...

Added by winstond on Sun, 10 Nov 2019 15:49:58 +0200

Using MongoDB in Laravel

MongoDB utility scenarios Product user access log, click buried statistical information Business System Environment Parameter Configuration Information Business system runtime logs, such as laravel.log, nginx.log Install MongoDB PHP Driver on macoOS using Homebrew In macOS, the MongoDB extension has been removed from the Homebrew repository ...

Added by bigfatpig on Sun, 10 Nov 2019 07:08:02 +0200

PHP+RabbitMQ complete code for message queuing

Why RabbitMq instead of ActiveMq or RocketMq?First of all, from a business point of view, I do not require 100% acceptance rate of messages, and I need to develop in combination with php. RabbitMq has a lower latency (subtle level) than RocketMq. As for ActiveMq, it seems that there are many problems. RabbitMq has good support for various langu ...

Added by Liquid Fire on Sun, 03 Nov 2019 13:38:00 +0200

Attendance Application-Human Resource System

Project address Bee introduce Bee is a attendance application in human resources system. Its main function is to apply for leave forms. Bee has high performance and extensibility, including front-end separation, plug-in rule validation (verifier), data filtering (decorator), message queue, etc. The back-end adds Services, Repositories layer to ...

Added by mattachoo on Thu, 03 Oct 2019 04:52:37 +0300