Example luat example GPS

How to realize GPS positioning function with development board brief introduction GPS positioning is one of the common functions. This paper introduces how to use Air724 development board + 530 development board to demonstrate the GPS positioning function. stores reserve 1.EVB_Air724UG_A13 A set of development boards and Air530 GPS A set of ...

Added by jmanfffreak on Sun, 23 Jan 2022 04:38:11 +0200

Pit of incr+expire of redis

background The user needs to perform ocr identification. In order to prevent the interface from being brushed, there is a limit (the number of calls per minute cannot exceed xxx). After investigation, we decided to use the incr and expire of redis to implement this function Note: the following code is implemented using golang First edi ...

Added by aris1234 on Fri, 14 Jan 2022 16:30:01 +0200

Introduction to Unity3D Development -- implementing components with Lua

Python wechat ordering applet course video https://edu.csdn.net/course/detail/36074 Python practical quantitative transaction financial management system https://edu.csdn.net/course/detail/35475 Wuyi Yinxia, whose real name is Guan Jianchang, has a 12-year game career. This tutorial takes Unity 3D + VS Code + C# + tolua as an example. 1, ...

Added by Tim L on Fri, 14 Jan 2022 01:02:57 +0200

Kong source code analysis

This article was originally published in the company in September 2020, and now it is sorted out and added some comments for public release. When I first joined the company's Infrastructure team, a confused task I received was to learn from Lua and OpenResty At that time, I received the PDF files of two books and asked to understand and learn ...

Added by geo115fr on Wed, 12 Jan 2022 05:27:00 +0200

Notes - Lua programming (2nd Edition) Ch11~13

11 data structure array Use an integer to index the table a = {} -- The size is defined indirectly when initializing the array for i = 1, 1000 do a[i] = 0 end -- Generally, 1 is used as the starting index of the array -- It's OK not to, but some Lua Library and length operators are invalidated print(#a) -- Support list initialization squa ...

Added by random1 on Mon, 10 Jan 2022 20:22:58 +0200

Introduction to code -- variables

Novice on the road, please give more advice and welcome communication. Some examples in the article may not be very good, welcome to correct; This article discards the order temporarily, and then arranges it when free This article can find a complete text description in code Daquan 2. This article just briefly records my reading experienc ...

Added by jkatcherny on Wed, 05 Jan 2022 00:31:50 +0200

XLua source learning: calling CS in Lua

In the process of using lua code development, a very important part is the call to C# code. Next, we will understand its implementation in combination with source code analysis: In lua, you can call C#'s code using code such as: CS.UnityEngine.Debug.Log('hello world') CS is a global Table, so CS UnityEngine can be regarded as querying the ...

Added by yendor on Tue, 04 Jan 2022 00:12:28 +0200

Openresty Redis uses connection pool correctly (set_keepalive)

Recently, I was working on an openresty project. Every time I visit, I need to read redis through openresty to judge whether access can be allowed. Question: If you need to establish a connection with redis for each access, the number of connections will explode when the concurrency is large. Affect performance and system. Scheme I: In init ...

Added by soulzllc on Fri, 31 Dec 2021 09:36:41 +0200

Operation principle of LUA on C: basis

I sketch I'm studying the design and implementation of lua recently. I'm glad to share my experience with you here. If there is any mistake, please don't hesitate to give me advice. When I first learned lua, I often had these doubts: Why can lua variables point to any type?How does lua load and run dynamically? Is it compiled into machine ...

Added by jmdavis on Sun, 26 Dec 2021 23:03:59 +0200

Lua script quick start (with sample program code)

Lua scripts quick start Lua is case sensitive premise After Lua is installed on this machine, the installation steps of lua can be completed Basics notes -- This is a single line comment -- [[ This is a multiline comment This is a multiline comment -- ]] Reserved keywords Reserved keyword document address variable Type when ...

Added by moberemk on Sun, 19 Dec 2021 19:04:12 +0200