Feign implements service invocation

I What is Feign Feign is a declarative pseudo Http client provided by Spring Cloud. It makes calling remote services as simple as calling local services. You only need to create an interface and add an annotation. Feign integrates Ribbon by default, so using feign by default under Nacos achieves the effect of load balancing. II Use of Fe ...

Added by warrior rabbit on Fri, 14 Jan 2022 08:27:15 +0200

Spring security series learning: Password Authentication

Copyright notice: This article is compiled by the team of Digital China cloud base. If you reprint it, please indicate the source. Evolution of password storage security In this section, we still accumulate some knowledge and can't wait for the little partners who want to code to bear it again and lay a good foundation to avoid some pits step ...

Added by h123z on Wed, 12 Jan 2022 05:58:46 +0200

Spring cloud Ribbon for service call

Pre content (1),Introduction to microservice theory and take you hand-in-hand to build a microservice environment, pay and write orders (2),Eureka service registration and discovery in spring cloud (3),Spring cloud Zookeeper for service registration and discovery (4),Consul of spring cloud for service registration and discovery 1,Robb ...

Added by smacpettit on Mon, 10 Jan 2022 03:35:45 +0200

Dubbo extension point loading mechanism

Dubbo extension point loading mechanism preface This paper first introduces the overview of the existing Dubbo loading mechanism, including the improvements made by Dubbo and some features. Then it introduces some key annotations of the loading mechanism, @ SPI, @ Adaptive, @ Activate. Then it introduces the workflow and implementation princi ...

Added by littlehelp on Sat, 08 Jan 2022 15:16:05 +0200

Teach you a simple Shell script entry operation

Shell script operates in the same way as interpretive language. If you have a language foundation, it is very easy to learn shell script. However, shell is different from common languages. Some common functions need to be realized by combining some commands in shell Tool recommendation The Shell does not seem to have a customized IDE. It is r ...

Added by Hylian on Fri, 07 Jan 2022 07:44:32 +0200

Summary of performance optimization of microservices with a large number of recent business growth - 2 Develop a filter plug-in for the log output exception stack

Recently, the business has grown rapidly, which is also a big challenge for our background. The performance bottleneck of the core business interface encountered this time is not caused by a single problem, but a combination of several problems: after we solve one, we launch it, and then we find another performance bottleneck. This is also my l ...

Added by Ace_Online on Thu, 06 Jan 2022 18:55:03 +0200

GoFrame framework: fast implementation of service end flow limiting Middleware

introduceThrough a complete example, in gogf/gf Implement [current limiting] Middleware in the framework.We will use rk-boot To start gogf/gf Microservices.rk-boot Is a framework that can start a variety of Web services through YAML. Please refer to the last chapter of this article for details rk-boot Details.Please visit the following address ...

Added by trancemission on Thu, 06 Jan 2022 12:48:55 +0200

Eureka service registration and discovery in spring cloud

1. Eureka Basics 1.1 what is service governance? In the traditional rpc remote invocation framework, it is complex to manage the dependency relationship between each service and service, so it is necessary to use service governance to manage the dependency relationship between services, so as to realize service invocation, load balancing, ...

Added by billynastie2007 on Thu, 06 Jan 2022 03:40:13 +0200

SpringSecurity Filter WebAsyncManager IntegrationFilter

Original Address Starting with ThreadLocal, ThreadLocal can be understood as a Map bound to the current thread, where key is the current thread and value is the object to store. When we are in the same thread, we can get the value through the get() method. If get () is called on the A thread set(object) and then on the B thread, the key is A b ...

Added by liza on Wed, 05 Jan 2022 20:05:52 +0200

Start on the basis of micro services

Introduction to microservices Microservice concept In short, microservice is an architectural design style. Its main purpose is to split the original independent system into a small service. These small services operate in independent processes, and the services communicate and cooperate through the RESTful API of HTTP. The split small se ...

Added by blintas on Wed, 05 Jan 2022 19:49:54 +0200