5, Microservice gateway (to be modified)

What I wrote earlier: most of this article (all of it is OK) is copied, and the materials in the classroom are very good. I feel ashamed of writing, but if I don't write it, it will affect the content of the whole blog. I'll revise / write my notes later. Thank you for passing by. I hope the student's notes can give you a trivial reference (2 / ...

Added by Sj0wKOoMel on Sat, 26 Feb 2022 12:01:35 +0200

The most complete notes of SpringBoot are collected and learned slowly~

For Java developers, no one dares to underestimate the importance of Spring Boot. Now when you go out for an interview, no matter how small a company or project, you have to talk about Spring Boot and micro services. If you can't chew it down, you may miss the big factory. If you are proficient in the principle and implementation of Spring Boo ...

Added by CoderDan on Sat, 26 Feb 2022 05:06:58 +0200

Spring Cloud microservice Architecture - getting started creating parent project

I Spring Cloud microservice architecture 1. What is micro service The foundation of microservice architecture (MSA) is to split a single application into multiple independent small services, which can be developed, deployed and run independently. 2. Core component analysis Spring Cloud Alibaba provides the following core functions by defaul ...

Added by navarre on Thu, 24 Feb 2022 14:30:58 +0200

Microservice series: a guide to building distributed log ELK

From the service gateway: Microservices series: introduction to Spring Cloud Gateway I've always learned about distributed transactions: Microservices series: distributed transaction Spring Cloud Alibaba's Seata practical chapter Today, we are finally going to end our micro service series. Not surprisingly, distributed logging will be the last ...

Added by knelson on Wed, 23 Feb 2022 03:24:48 +0200

nacos - do you understand?

preface: The previously mentioned zookeeper of the registration center designated by dubbo's official website, now let's talk about the more commonly used nacos nacos: it is an Alibaba project focusing on service discovery and configuration management. nacos can be integrated with many technologies. Let me talk about the commonly used integra ...

Added by ohdang888 on Mon, 21 Feb 2022 13:42:17 +0200

Current limiting and fusing of spring cloud services

1, Current limiting 1. Meaning The purpose of current limiting is to protect the system by limiting the speed of concurrent access / requests or requests within a time window. Once the limit rate is reached, it can be denied service, that is, directed to the error page or friendly display page, queued or waiting. Flow restriction can ens ...

Added by grim1208 on Mon, 21 Feb 2022 12:24:35 +0200

Spring cloud configuration center

Foreword: if you want to put the project into the server and run, you can use the configuration center SpringCloud Config here; 1, SpringCloud Config Microservices It means that the business in a single application should be divided into one sub service. The granularity of each service is relatively small, so there will be a large number of s ...

Added by croix on Mon, 21 Feb 2022 11:18:03 +0200

Stepping on the pit: a bloody case caused by timeout of dubbo asynchronous call

background The response time limit for new business requirements shall be controlled within 5s(md5 warehouse collision time limit of 1.2s, business flow time limit of 3.8s), which will directly lead to production accidents after online (Party A's father feedbacks that there are a lot of overtime). environment dubbo 2.6.0 problem analysis For ...

Added by Chesso on Sat, 19 Feb 2022 07:38:31 +0200

Summary of basic knowledge of microservice

1. Micro service module The project is divided into these modules: public module, external API module, management and monitoring module, business module, etc. For example, common modules, such as Filter, user-defined verifier, exception interceptor, paging tool class, query parameters and other commonly used modules to prevent XSS attacks in ...

Added by Nexus10 on Fri, 18 Feb 2022 13:00:40 +0200

gRPC Go service discovery and load balancing

gRPC Go service discovery and load balancing https://blog.cong.moe/post/2021-03-06-grpc-go-discovery-lb/   gRPC It is a high performance RPC framework open source by Google and supports multiple languages It has been widely used in inter service invocation in cluster In order to large-scale traffic and avoid single point of failure, services ...

Added by barrygar on Thu, 17 Feb 2022 20:55:07 +0200