Analysis of Nacos service discovery source code

1, Nacos service discovery flow chart I believe you can sort it out after reading the following source code analysis; Refer to: Nacos service registration source code analysis flow chart 2, Find the source code entry The spring cloud commons package defines a set of service discovery specifications, and the core logic is in the DiscoveryClie ...

Added by rossh on Mon, 20 Dec 2021 10:49:21 +0200

Nacos Spring Cloud quick start

1. Preface Nacos has many grammars. Combined with different technologies, it has different grammars: This article is about the usage of Nacos Spring Cloud. 2. Quick start of Nacos spring cloud 2.1 preconditions You need to download Nacos and start the Nacos server first. 2.2 start configuration management Configuration management is ...

Added by mattr on Fri, 17 Dec 2021 22:48:30 +0200