Implementation principle of Android Navigation component

The use of navigation components is not the focus of this article. For specific use, please refer to Official documents , the navigation component framework is implemented through fragments. Its core classes can be mainly divided into three NavGraph, NavHostController and NavHostFragment. The functions of these three classes are: NavGraph: ...

Added by jbdphp on Mon, 07 Feb 2022 13:25:53 +0200

Navigation: nested navigation charts and < include > MAD Skills

This is the second MAD Skills series on navigation. This is the third article in the navigation component series. If you want to review the content published in the past, please refer to the following link: Overview of navigation componentsNavigate to the dialog boxUse SafeArgs when navigating in an appUse deep link navigationBuild your firs ...

Added by yuraupt on Fri, 03 Dec 2021 02:51:19 +0200