Policy Gradient for Enhanced Learning

1. What is Policy Gradients The basic idea of a strategic gradient is to output the probability of an action or action directly according to its state.So how to output, the simplest is to use a neural network. When we use a neural network to enter the current state, the network can output the probability of each action we take in this state. ...

Added by voltrader on Sat, 31 Aug 2019 19:52:43 +0300

How to Develop Rich Text Terminal UI Application

1. The Development History of Terminal Terminal is the input and output equipment of computer system. For historical reasons, the concept of terminal is very confusing.The development of terminal has gone through three stages: character terminal, graphics terminal and network terminal. 1.1 Teletypewriter TTY(TeleTYpe) In the early days, because ...

Added by Ryaan on Thu, 29 Aug 2019 18:08:10 +0300

Modifying MAC Address of Network Card under linux

Preface The mac address of a network card has been written in the factory, sometimes in the erasable eeprom, but there must be considerable expertise or professional equipment. For some mac addresses that are bound and do not want to change aft ...

Added by Sarahlmorrow on Thu, 29 Aug 2019 12:43:15 +0300

Okhttp3 Source Parsing-Interceptor RetryAndFollowUpInterceptor

Preface Review: Basic usage of Okhttp Okhttp3 Source Parsing (1)-OkHttpClient Analysis Okhttp3 Source Parsing (2)-Request Analysis Okhttp3 Source Parsing (3)-Call Analysis (Overall Process) Okhttp3 Source Parsing (4) - Interceptor and Design Mode The previous section talks about interceptors and design patterns, and today we talk about RetryAnd ...

Added by Dvorak on Thu, 29 Aug 2019 03:53:51 +0300

Feign httpclient file upload problem record

Problem statement The original project http request is completed through feign + ribbon + urlconnection. Considering the network and cpu overhead caused by frequent connection release of urlconnection, http client is used as the connection pool. Upgraded, it is found that there are problems of calling downstream service code and tampering with ...

Added by watthehell on Wed, 28 Aug 2019 17:57:40 +0300

Collaboration, Events, Queues, Synchronization, Asynchronization, Callback Functions

Association What is synergy? A single thread handles multiple tasks concurrently, and the program controls the synergistic switching + holding state. The synergistic switching speed is very fast, which blinds the eyes of the operating system and makes the operating system think that the CPU is running all the time. Processes or threads are cont ...

Added by fhil85 on Wed, 28 Aug 2019 17:56:55 +0300

web crawler explanation - urllib repository crawler - basic use - timeout settings - Automatic Simulation of http requests

Writing simple crawlers using the urllib library that comes with the python system urlopen() Gets the html source for a URLread() Read the html source contentdecode("utf-8") converts bytes to strings #!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import urllib.request html = urllib.request.urlopen('http://edu.51cto.com/course/8360.html ...

Added by Rushy on Wed, 28 Aug 2019 02:13:02 +0300

Class Loading Mechanism, Parent Delegation Model

Generally speaking, we divide the class loading process of java into three main steps: loading, linking and initialization. The first stage is the loading stage. It is java that reads bytecode data from different data sources into JVM and maps it to JVM-approved data structures, and maps it to JVM-approved data structures (Class objects). The d ...

Added by tharagleb on Tue, 27 Aug 2019 15:51:40 +0300

CentOS 7 Service Control and Optimized Startup Process

CentOS 7 System Service Control In CentOS system, the control scripts of various system services are placed in the directory of / usr / lib / system by default. The system CTL command tool can control the specified system services. System CTL command Common formats System CTL [control type] [service name] control type start: Run the spec ...

Added by php_tom on Tue, 27 Aug 2019 13:03:32 +0300

Linux Basic Learning 2

Catalog Linux Basic Learning 2 File directory structure File Naming Specification File System Structure Composition of linux applications Absolute and relative paths Directory name and base name Switch directories Switch to Home Directory Switch to the last dire ...

Added by Lillefix on Tue, 27 Aug 2019 03:41:00 +0300