Arduino for True Internet of Things - Remote Communication via MQTT Server - Two Boards

What I do on the remote interaction between the board and the board when I'm doing a competition The things found in Baidu are also fragmented. At the same time, I hope my blog can give you a little help PS. This is also my first time to write inappropriate blog terms. I also hope you will understand and point out Dead work R ...

Added by Andy17 on Thu, 16 May 2019 20:14:44 +0300

Basic Concept Interpretation of OkHttp

Recently, in sorting out Android commonly used third-party framework related things, said that Android framework, nothing more than Android development in the common network, image caching, data interaction, optimization, page framework, among which the network as a basic part, I believe that you are more using OkHttp, and in t ...

Added by PHPcadet on Thu, 16 May 2019 18:27:16 +0300

Python exceptions and files in the Python Learning Manual

In the last article, we introduced Python's functions and modules, and now we introduce exceptions and files in Python. To view the previous article, please click: Exceptions and documents abnormal Exceptions are also called exceptions. You've seen exceptions in previous articles. When program runn ...

Added by melittle on Thu, 16 May 2019 13:10:13 +0300

Upload image files and parameters using OkHttp (both front and back codes)

I've written a code about using Retrofit to upload picture files, but what if OkHttp is used? I believe that some of the students who know about the two know that in fact the implementation of Retrofit's internal network request is OkHttp. After wrapping one layer, it is just for the convenience of developers to write interfaces an ...

Added by poe on Thu, 16 May 2019 07:58:36 +0300

s21day30 python notes

I. Content Review and Supplement Brief description of three handshakes and four waves The three handshake accept accepts connections waiting for clients in the process connect client initiates a syn link request If you get the server-side response ack, you will also receive a syc link request from the server-side. After the client responds ...

Added by sherrilljjj on Thu, 16 May 2019 04:42:17 +0300

Redis Distributed Lock--PHP

The Role of Redis Distributed Locks In a stand-alone environment, there is a second-kill commodity activity, in a short time, server pressure and traffic will rise sharply. This will lead to concurrency problems. If you want to solve concurrency, you need to solve it. 1. Improving system throughput, that is, requests processed by qps per second ...

Added by Drebin on Thu, 16 May 2019 01:18:22 +0300

Algorithmic Basis - Time Complexity, Three Ordering Algorithms of Conventional O(N) (Bubble, Selection, Insertion)

This article is only my own notes, and does not have any guiding significance. The original intention of the code is to make it easy to understand. There are many codes optimized by God on the Internet. It is not recommended to copy the code in this article in the project. Catalog Time complexity Operation of Constant ...

Added by bugz-2849 on Wed, 15 May 2019 23:10:28 +0300

Simple Use of Netty Framework to Realize socket Communication

As an aside, many people call the NIO provided by JDK 1.4 asynchronous non-blocking I/O; in fact, it is not. Strictly speaking, it can only be called non-blocking I/O. In NIO 2.0 provided by JDK 1.7, an asynchronous socket channel Channel is added, which is the real asynchronous non-blocking I/O. The following table com ...

Added by HyperD on Wed, 15 May 2019 16:44:34 +0300

Front-end api request caching scheme

In the development of web applications, performance is an indispensable topic. For web packaged single page applications, there are many ways to optimize performance, such as tree-shaking, module lazy loading, and using extrens network cdn to accelerate these conventional optimization. Even in the vue-cli project, we can use the -- modern instr ...

Added by sstoveld on Wed, 15 May 2019 11:10:25 +0300

docker swarm modifies cluster ip

Summary The thing is, the original ip of the cluster running docker swarm on Shumei pie was, and then because of the move, the ip became The next thing you can think of is that node and manager are definitely not connected. So I moved the node out of the cluster and rejoined it, but the join token command at that ...

Added by sargus on Wed, 15 May 2019 06:00:38 +0300