Using mininet to build p4 data plane

preface Last P4, into network data plane programming This paper briefly introduces P4 and builds P4 network topology through the command line. The building process requires a lot of commands, which is cumbersome. In this article, we will build P4 through python script. The code involved in this article is: ...

Added by nthomp on Mon, 04 Oct 2021 05:13:43 +0300

C × lambda expression

In versions of C before 2.0, the only way to declare a delegate was to use a named method. C ා 2.0 introduces anonymous methods, while in C ා 3.0 and later, Lambda expressions replace anonymous methods as the preferred way to write inline code. In one case, anonymous methods provide functionality tha ...

Added by mars_rahul on Mon, 09 Mar 2020 11:20:43 +0200

2D game development course assignment Report

2D game development course experiment report This is a verification assignment. The code is given by the teacher. 1. Sequence application - word guessing game Function introduction The word guessing game is to randomly generate a word by a counting machine, to disrupt the alphabetical order for players to guess. This game uses the control chara ...

Added by vividona on Mon, 09 Mar 2020 08:08:36 +0200

2018 autumn recruitment programming question summary

1. A blank filling question of Shang Tang (I think it can be changed to programming question) #include <iostream> using namespace std; int count = 0; void Perm(int a[], int k, int m) //Perm functions are used to solve permutation problems { int i; if(k == m) { if(a[5] > a[0] && a[6] > a[1]) { i ...

Added by marms on Sat, 04 Jan 2020 11:35:13 +0200

Java foundation - Reflection

In this paper, we talk about the use of reflection, and gradually supplement the relevant content. Article directory 1. Obtain Class 2. Common operation methods 3. Operation attribute 4. Operation constructor 4.1. Parameter constructor 4.1. Parameterless constructor First, define a common class: package cn.itcast.test ...

Added by BobRoberts on Fri, 06 Dec 2019 23:54:17 +0200

Several methods of EF CORE update

1. Query before modifying The entity is obtained by context, so the context immediately begins to trace it. When you change the tracking entity's property value, the context changes the entity's EntityState to Modified, and ChangeTracker records the old and new property values. When SaveChanges is c ...

Added by tekkenlord on Sun, 27 Oct 2019 09:09:51 +0200

Classes and objects - properties of objects - constructors and destructors

**1. * * initialization and cleanup of objects are two very important security issues An object or variable has no initial state, and the consequences of its use are unknown. The same use of an object or variable, not cleaned up in time, will also cause certain security problems **2. * * the constructor ...

Added by snpo123 on Thu, 24 Oct 2019 15:44:49 +0300

Regular expressions commonly used in development

In order to better understand how to use regular expressions in the C ා environment, here are some common regular expressions: Roman number: string p1 = "^m*(d?c{0,3}|c[dm])" + "(l?x{0,3}|x[lc])(v?i{0,3}|i[vx])$"; string t1 = "v"; Match m1 = Regex.Match(t1, p1); Exchange the first two word positions: string t2 = "the quick brown fox"; string ...

Added by jdsflash on Mon, 21 Oct 2019 18:46:32 +0300

All six forms and codes of class template friend All six forms and codes of class template friend There are many differences between friend of class template and friend of common class. The main reason is that class templates contain template parameters, which will lead to many matchin ...

Added by Ferdog on Thu, 03 Oct 2019 19:14:23 +0300

Essential Analysis of Citation

Catalog 1. Definition of reference 2. Essence of Citation 3. Significance of Citation 4. Special Reference - const Reference 5. The relationship between reference and pointer 1. Definition of reference C++ adds the concept of reference: A reference can be seen as an alias for a defi ...

Added by dzm on Sat, 14 Sep 2019 16:48:41 +0300