Learning computer again (VIII. Process and creation process)

In how the program runs, it also talks about the process, but it is not introduced in detail due to space and theme reasons; This time, we need to introduce the process. There are many concepts of process, and it is also the core of the operating system. 8.1 process 8.1. 1 what is a process What is a process? It's hard to write concepts. We ...

Added by rUmX on Mon, 27 Dec 2021 09:10:46 +0200

Electron process management tool development diary 3: process pool load balancing, intelligent start and stop

>>Original linkSome of the tools and methods implemented in this paper are in the early / test stage and are still under continuous optimization. They are only for referenceAt Ubuntu 20 Developed / tested on 04, available for electron project, test version: Electron@8.2.0 / 9.3. fiveContents├── Contents (you are here!) │ ├── I. preface ├ ...

Added by levi_501_dehaan on Sat, 25 Dec 2021 18:26:58 +0200

[Linux] Orphan Processes, Dead Processes, and Signals

I. Orphan Process The parent process ends, the child process does not end, and the child process is left to the init process to care for 2. Zombie Processes When the parent process does not end, the child process has ended and the parent process does not process the exit status of the child process. A process consists of process enti ...

Added by PyraX on Mon, 22 Nov 2021 23:39:27 +0200