Flutter Learning Notes--Dart Object Oriented

If you need to reproduce it, please indicate the source: Flutter Learning Notes (8) --Dart Object Oriented   Dart, as a high-level language, supports many object-oriented features and mixin-based inheritance, which means that a class can inherit from multiple parent classes, which is equivalent to multiple inheritance in other languages.All ...

Added by martor on Thu, 18 Jul 2019 21:40:35 +0300

Introduction and selector of jQuery

Introduction to jQuery Reasons for introducing jQuery When writing code in js, you will encounter some problems: The window.onload event has an event coverage problem, so only one event can be written. Code fault tolerance is poor. Browser compatibility issues. Writing is cumbers ...

Added by andylai on Thu, 18 Jul 2019 04:18:52 +0300

UILabel Related Property Settings

stay iOS UILabel is a commonly used control in programming. Here is a way to set the relevant properties of UILabel. Many iOS 6 programming starts with storyboard, and when UILabel is used, controls are dragged into storyboard to generate implementations. If you want to use code in - (void)viewDidLoad, such as [_label]. InititWithFrame ...

Added by Hafkas on Mon, 15 Jul 2019 23:21:40 +0300

Definition and use of python function

Definition and Creation of Functions  Function is the basic program structure provided by Python to maximize code reuse and minimize code redundancy; it allows programmers toComplex systems are decomposed into manageable components. Four functions can be created in Python:Global functions: defined in templatesLocal functions: nested in oth ...

Added by sayedsohail on Sun, 14 Jul 2019 21:58:02 +0300

The Thinking Logic of Computer Programs (77) - Asynchronous Task Execution Service

Java concurrent packages provide a framework that greatly simplifies the development required to perform asynchronous tasks. In this section, we will explore this framework initially. In the previous introduction, thread Thread represents both the task to be performed and the execution mechanism. This framework introduces the concept of "e ...

Added by matifibrahim on Sun, 14 Jul 2019 21:30:42 +0300

Multithread Matrix Multiplication

Job Requirements: Multithread programming is used to realize matrix multiplication under Windows and Linux respectively. Analysis: Linux multi-threading and Windows multi-threading implementation principle is basically the same, but the API provided by the system is different. In fact, if the API provided by Windows is not applicable under ...

Added by wiccanwoman1103 on Sun, 14 Jul 2019 00:50:20 +0300

Noejs Learning Notes

The direct embodiment of Node.js asynchronous programming is callback. Asynchronous programming relies on callbacks to achieve, but it can not be said that the program will be asynchronous after using callbacks. Callback functions are called when the task is completed. Node uses a large number of callback functions. All of Node's API s suppo ...

Added by capetonian on Sat, 13 Jul 2019 23:37:54 +0300

Blue Bridge Cup

The idea of the game of taking a ball is clear, that is, to traverse all possible situations of two people, and finally to see the number of odd balls in two hands.Depth-first search can be used when traversing But direct depth-first searches are definitely not possible, because if you have 1,000 balls, you have three choices at a time, tota ...

Added by RottenBananas on Sat, 13 Jul 2019 20:14:27 +0300

[Java in-depth study] 6. Detailed explanation of CGLib dynamic proxy mechanism

First, let's talk about dynamic proxy in JDK: Dynamic proxy in JDK is implemented by reflective class Proxy and InvocationHandler callback interface However, the dynamic proxy class in JDK must implement an interface, that is to say, it can only proxy the methods defined in the interface. This has some limitations in practical programming, and ...

Added by ram4nd on Fri, 12 Jul 2019 21:53:45 +0300

[Java Language] Ja.2.3--Talking about the strategy mode of design mode (3)

1. Overview of Strategic Patterns First, give an official-sounding definition: a policy pattern abstracts the variable parts from the program into an algorithm interface, under which a series of algorithm implementations are encapsulated. To illustrate this, we will find that e-commerce platforms generally offer a variety of payment options ...

Added by cabaz777 on Fri, 12 Jul 2019 19:55:07 +0300