The integration of hongsoft SDK in nodejs

Address of hongsoft official website Register the account on the official website, apply for the activation code of face recognition, select the SDK version and the operating system (windows/linux/android/ios), we select windows for the test, choose the application type as 1:N, and the functional module ...

Added by FiveFlat on Fri, 29 Nov 2019 20:08:57 +0200

Explanation of the qgroundcontrol ground station code architecture of qt of Yan Gang's px4

v2.6.0 Link management part, management of different links Currently supported UDP,TCP,serial Create a single instance linkmanager Creating a single instance is a macro definition. This design is very clever, which hides the creation of the instance IMPLEMENT_QGC_SINGLETON(LinkManager, LinkManager) #define IMPLEMENT_QGC_S ...

Added by ramas on Fri, 22 Nov 2019 19:21:55 +0200

Python 3 pyqt signal and slot, relation between forms, relation between main form and subform

When using pyqt, data transfer between subform and main form is needed. The name of the new subform is from PyQt5.QtCore import * from PyQt5.QtGui import * from PyQt5.QtWidgets import * class DateDialog(QDialog): Signal_OneParameter = pyqtSignal(str) def __init__(self,parent =None): super ...

Added by remmargorp on Tue, 19 Nov 2019 19:57:20 +0200

Collection tool class collection code details

Sketch Collections: a tool class for manipulating sets, lists, maps and other collections, mainly including methods for sorting, querying, modifying, setting immutability, and synchronization control of elements. Sort operation import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; public class sortedTest { public static void main(String ...

Added by ziesje on Mon, 28 Oct 2019 18:41:10 +0200

PyQt5 - Multithreading

Multithreading Multithreading technology is used to design three methods, one is to use counter module QTimer, the other is to use multithreading module QThread, and the other is to use event processing function. QTimer If you want to perform an operation periodically in the application summary, such ...

Added by victor78 on Thu, 26 Sep 2019 10:33:26 +0300

Qt Writing Control Property Designer 9-Database Acquisition

I. Preface As a data source, database is widely used in many configuration software, such as specifying database type, filling in database connection information, specifying corresponding database tables and fields, acquisition interval, automatica ...

Added by numan82 on Thu, 12 Sep 2019 04:36:27 +0300

VS2015 static compiler Qt5.5.1 (including Qtwebkit)

VS2015 static compiler Qt5.5.1 (including Qtwebkit) kingbhy 2018.04.12 20:06* Word number 859 webkit is needed in the project, and the source code of webkit is investigated, but the source code is relatively large, and compiling with xcode is ...

Added by Benjigga on Mon, 02 Sep 2019 14:54:49 +0300

Qt Practical Notes - Build an Inventory Management System from scratch - UI Framework Build - 02

In the previous chapter, we have built a very simple framework. In this chapter, we continue to refine, focusing on achieving some dynamic effects through signal and slot functions. 1. Login window Because our software has the function of login and registration. So we have to build a separate login ...

Added by tarleton on Thu, 01 Aug 2019 13:03:58 +0300

PyQt5 Quick Start PyQt5 GUI Interface Design

PyQt5 Quick Start (VI) GUI Interface Design of PyQt5 I. Window Style 1. Setting Window Style The default window style implemented by Qt is the native window style of the current operating system, and the display style of the native window style is different under different operating systems.Styles can be set for each Widget:setStyle(QStyle sty ...

Added by lifeless on Sat, 27 Jul 2019 13:12:55 +0300

face Recognition-Qt Calls face++ Interface by Initiating Http Request

Face++ platform can be used for face recognition, face detection, face comparison, face search and so on. The following are the various operations of face using the face++API. This is the official document address of face++. The face++ interfac ...

Added by kundan on Sat, 27 Jul 2019 10:37:25 +0300