Message queue RocketMQ: message retry

Article catalog Message queue RocketMQ: (I) overview Message queuing RocketMQ: (II) system architecture Message queue RocketMQ: (III) sending ordinary messages (three methods) Message queue RocketMQ: (IV) sequential messages Message queue RocketMQ: (V) delay message Message queue RocketMQ: (VII) batch messages Message queue RocketMQ: (VI ...

Added by jrtaylor on Fri, 24 Dec 2021 15:20:41 +0200

Talk to the interviewer about RocketMQ message sending, MessgQueue selection and high availability mechanism source code

Source version 4.8.0 Message sending source code entry The simplest message sending code DefaultMQProducer producer = new DefaultMQProducer("please_rename_unique_group_name"); producer.setNamesrvAddr(""); producer.start(); Message msg = new Message("TopicTest" /* Topic */, ...

Added by Langridge on Sun, 05 Dec 2021 19:18:36 +0200

Store for RocketMQ Source Analysis

Store for RocketMQ Source Analysis Think Before Reading Store Source When the number of topics increases to 100+, the TPS of kafka's single broker decreases by one order of magnitude, while RocketMQ remains high in the mass topic scenario? kafka has tens of thousands of TPS with less topic tps, but more topic will decrease to 1-2,000 TPS. Bu ...

Added by fabby on Mon, 29 Nov 2021 23:46:15 +0200

How to implement a solution to avoid message duplication?

Problem Description Message middleware is a component commonly used in distributed systems and is widely used in asynchronization, decoupling and peak-clipping of systems.Message middleware is generally considered a reliable component, that is, messages are not lost as long as they are delivered to the message middleware. Therefore, it ca ...

Added by XZer0cool on Wed, 01 Sep 2021 19:36:24 +0300