Dubbo extension point loading mechanism

Dubbo extension point loading mechanism preface This paper first introduces the overview of the existing Dubbo loading mechanism, including the improvements made by Dubbo and some features. Then it introduces some key annotations of the loading mechanism, @ SPI, @ Adaptive, @ Activate. Then it introduces the workflow and implementation princi ...

Added by littlehelp on Sat, 08 Jan 2022 15:16:05 +0200

gRPC Learning Notes

gRPC Learning Notes 1. Introduction to gRPC gRPC It is a high performance, universal open source RPC framework designed by Google for mobile application development based on HTTP/2 protocol standards, based on ProtoBuf(Protocol Buffers) serialization protocol, and supports many development languages. [External chain picture transfer fail ...

Added by nrg_alpha on Mon, 03 Jan 2022 11:02:59 +0200

Dubbo 3.0.3 + Nacos 2.0.3 + Spring Boot 2.3.6. Problems encountered in release integration and use

Dubbo 3.0.3 + Nacos 2.0.3 + spring boot 2.3.6.RELEASE integration Because some of the company's old projects use rpc (a call toolkit encapsulated by HTTP client), considering the low performance, it is extremely difficult to maintain. Through comparison among many rpc frameworks, it is found that dubbo has launched version 3.0, and at pres ...

Added by martinacevedo on Sun, 02 Jan 2022 04:32:00 +0200

Dubbo Cluster fault tolerant Cluster

1. Preface Online services are rarely deployed in a single machine, which does not meet the needs of the three high architecture of the Internet. Once the service is suspended, high availability is out of the question. In addition, the default maximum 200 concurrent processing of Dubbo single machine does not meet the so-called high concurrenc ...

Added by spyke01 on Tue, 28 Dec 2021 03:54:22 +0200

[RPC Foundation Series 3] gRPC simple example

This article focuses on a simple example of Java using gRPC. preface We can't just look at principles and ignore practice, nor can we just focus on practice and ignore principles. We should give consideration to both! In the previous two articles [RPC basic series 1] talk about RPC and [RPC basic series 2] understand the basic princip ...

Added by pendelton on Sat, 25 Dec 2021 23:19:39 +0200

Teach you to write an RPC framework hand in hand

Following the previous section, Teach you to write an RPC framework (1) We handwritten a Spring Boot Starter and started the first step of building our own wheels. In this section, let's continue to complete the RPC framework! V. user defined annotation For my requirements, when using my RPC framework, the service provider can tell the fram ...

Added by zymosan on Sun, 12 Dec 2021 06:36:23 +0200

Enumeration types are not allowed for RPC interfaces. Why?

preface Before we talk about this, let's take a look at the relevant background knowledge. Introduction to RPC RPC is short for Remote Procedure Call. Remote service call. Simply put, one node provides services (called server) and one node consumes services (client). RPC communication mode The communication protocol between the server and ...

Added by lazaruz on Sat, 11 Dec 2021 12:12:39 +0200

Teach you to write an RPC framework hand in hand

One is written in front Recently, the development in the company adopts the development mode of distributed microservices. Different microservices use RPC framework for communication and data call. Usually, when developing an interface, you need to call the interfaces of other micro services to obtain the desired data. Because with the RPC fra ...

Added by jasonX on Thu, 09 Dec 2021 16:52:40 +0200

Implementing simple RPC framework 9 from scratch: heartbeat and reconnection mechanism of network communication

1, Heartbeat What is heartbeat In TPC, after the client and server establish a connection, they need to send data packets regularly to inform each other that they are still online to ensure the effectiveness of the TPC connection. If a connection has no heartbeat for a long time, it needs to be disconnected in time, otherwise the server will ...

Added by nobertos on Wed, 24 Nov 2021 11:32:12 +0200

Hand in hand to teach you to write an RPC framework

preface I've been reading the source code of dubbo recently, so I refer to this book as an aid (this Yiji always makes me see Jiyi, um, Jiyi crazy warrior): dubbo has 300000 lines of code in version 3.0. Just looking at the code of a core function is killing people. In order to strengthen understanding, I think it is a very good way to impl ...

Added by Elhcay on Wed, 24 Nov 2021 03:18:24 +0200