Summary of Lftp+Sftp Transmission

Background Introduction:Because of the continuous expansion of backup data, it is necessary to transfer the backup data (about 2T) from the existing network back to the local area for remote storage. But 2T is too big and needs to be compressed. Here we use 3G as a compression package. Here is the compression script #!/bin/bash # This script i ...

Added by metrathon on Sun, 06 Oct 2019 13:51:19 +0300

Pure java implementation of sftp-jsch

Originality Statement: This article is totally original for the author, please respect the author's labor force. Reprint must indicate the original address. sftp and ftp To talk about sftp (SSH File Transfer Protocol), we first need to talk about ftp (File Transfer Protocol). As we all know, ftp is a file transfer protocol, which is based on tc ...

Added by pug on Mon, 15 Jul 2019 03:29:34 +0300