Basic Operation of Linux (4) - File Permission

I. The Significance of the Existence of Document Authority One of the lowest security settings in the system is to ensure that files can be manipulated by available users. 2. Reading of File Permissions ls -l file ls -l dir ll file ##(ll = ls -l) ll -d dir 3. Reading of File Permissions  -   | rw-rw-r-- | 1 | kiosk ...

Added by ryans18 on Tue, 14 May 2019 20:00:48 +0300

Common Sorting Algorithms

Sort: 1. Sorting is often encountered in computer data processing. In daily data processing, it is generally believed that 1/4 of the time is spent on sorting, while for program installation. Up to 50% of the time is spent sorting tables. In short, sorting is the ordering of a random set of data in a regular order. 2. Inline and Outline: Acc ...

Added by kapishi on Sun, 12 May 2019 10:11:44 +0300