Spring Boot integrates shiro's salt value encryption authentication

summary In the last blog, we mainly talked about custom Realm. The passwords used for user authentication are in clear text. This method is not desirable. Often, in our actual combat development, the user's passwords are stored in ciphertext, and the encryption algorithm is required to be irreversible. The famous encryption algorithms incl ...

Added by Karve on Sun, 19 Sep 2021 07:29:36 +0300

MyBlog background development

Java back end interface and Vue front end 1. See the effect first publish an article Background login Blog details Java back end interface development: Using springboot+mybaitsPlus+shiro+jwt+lombok+redis; database mysql5.7+ Here, we use IDEA to develop the background interface. It's easy to create a ...

Added by sergio-pro on Sat, 20 Jun 2020 10:11:20 +0300

Spring boot integrates Shiro -- authentication and authorization

Shiro 1, introduction Apache Shiro is a Java Security (permission) framework. Shiro can easily develop good enough applications, which can be used not only in Java se environment, but also in Java EE environment. Shiro can complete authentication, authorization, encryption, session management, Web integration, caching, etc. Download address: ...

Added by BKPARTIES on Sun, 22 Mar 2020 13:59:52 +0200

Spring Boot + Vue separate the front and back ends and use Shiro to realize user information encryption

Hello, welcome to the program workplace, where you need to improve technology, career planning, personal growth, sideline development and other articles. Learn and improve with more small partners. In the last part, we talked about the authority database and authority control in the background. A ...

Added by manitoon on Wed, 26 Feb 2020 10:29:03 +0200

spring boot integration swagger bug1

Today, after writing several interfaces and preparing for testing, I found that swagger hung up. Then report the following unexplained error message There was an unexpected error (type=Method Not Allowed, status=405). Request method 'GET' not supported org.springframework.web.HttpRequestMethodNotSuppo ...

Added by deolsabh on Mon, 13 Jan 2020 14:52:55 +0200

Spring boot learning note 21 -- JWT implementation of login verification

Today, let's record how to use JWT to implement user login verification. The effect of the implementation is that a token will be returned to the client for subsequent login verification. After login, the client needs to put the token in the requested head, otherwise the returned login fails. Don't talk much and go straight to ...

Added by SZero on Mon, 02 Dec 2019 08:23:26 +0200

Remember the pit encountered in using Shiro redis open source plug-in once

Shiro redis is an open-source plug-in of Daniel on the Internet (github address: https://github.com/alexxiyang/shiro-redis )Recently, the following errors are always reported when using it (version 3.1.0): We need a field to identify this Cache Object in Redis. So you need to defined an id field which you can get unique id to id ...

Added by philhale on Mon, 11 Nov 2019 20:54:45 +0200

Java back end dodge -- Spring Boot integrates Shiro

Shiro is a common security authentication framework, which is simple and practical. There are two ways to integrate Shiro in Spring Boot: Implement the configuration in traditional SSM+Shiro in Java Use Shiro's official automated configuration dependency This article chooses the second practical way to integrate, but ...

Added by cmancone on Sat, 02 Nov 2019 20:15:43 +0200

Integrating shiro framework with spring boot and redis

Catalog Preparation Basic steps Common abnormality Preparation About shiro Three core components: Subject, SecurityManager and Realms Subject: security operation of current user or current user SecurityManage: Security Manager, which manages security operations for all users. Realms: the inte ...

Added by mobtex on Fri, 25 Oct 2019 21:58:14 +0300

Shiro Integrated SSM Based on Dynamic URL Privilege Management

This case is based on an extension of the previous demo. So the database table, in Shiro Integrated SSM Based on URL Privilege Management (I) The beginning is consistent. If the suggestion of the last demo operation is re-imported, avoid problems. This time, it is not achieved through fixed annotations written in the method, but through flexib ...

Added by Jim R on Fri, 11 Oct 2019 10:58:49 +0300