Springboot global exception handling

Springboot global exception handling 1, The default exception handling mechanism of Spring Boot By default, springboot provides two corresponding methods: โ‘  the browser request header is Accept: text/html, and springboot will default to an html document content, which is "Whitelabel Error Page"; โ‘ก The Json format string information ...

Added by vikramjeet.singla on Sat, 05 Mar 2022 05:56:35 +0200

Spring MVC interceptor and exception handling

Interceptor Interceptor configuration Interceptors in spring MVC are used to intercept the execution of controller methods. Interceptors in spring MVC need to implement HandlerInterceptor. package com.atguigu.springmvc.interceptor; import org.springframework.web.servlet.HandlerInterceptor; import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAn ...

Added by mancroft on Sat, 05 Mar 2022 04:19:59 +0200

Realize technology integration with SpringBoot and experience the simplified development of SpringBoot

๐Ÿ‘ About the author: Hello, I'm cabbage ~ ~, a sophomore in school, and a new star creator in the Java field.๐Ÿ“ Personal homepage: Cabbage CSDN blog๐Ÿ“• Series column: This article is written in the SpringBoot column: Explanation of SpringBoot knowledge points๐Ÿ“ง If there are mistakes in the knowledge points of the article, please correct them! Le ...

Added by Chupa85 on Sat, 05 Mar 2022 01:29:21 +0200

Unified exception handling, assertion and enumeration combined use cases

In the process of software development, it is inevitable to deal with all kinds of exceptions. For myself, at least more than half of the time is dealing with all kinds of exceptions, so there will be a lot of try {...} in the code catch {...} finally {...} Code blocks not only have a large number of redundant code, but also affect the readabi ...

Added by Ammar on Sat, 05 Mar 2022 00:21:16 +0200

@SentinelResource annotation details

stay SpringCloudAlibaba-Sentinel In this document, we have introduced the general knowledge of Sentinel. However, the @ SentinelResource annotation did not mention its details in that document, that is, it was simply mentioned. The annotation of that document is introduced at: https://www.yuque.com/shmily-kbnvv/xxbj/ci2gs5#9lIy9 //todo to be mo ...

Added by p.utsav on Fri, 04 Mar 2022 18:56:17 +0200

Discussion on jdk dynamic agent at the bottom of spring AOP

1, What is a dynamic agent What is dynamic proxy and why it is used? Where is dynamic proxy used in normal programming? To understand what a dynamic agent is, you first need to know what an agent is. In fact, it is very simple. Just as literally, an agent: taking care of affairs instead of others. In programming, agent is an implementation of ...

Added by stopblackholes on Fri, 04 Mar 2022 15:56:33 +0200

Spring MVC requests and responses

Spring MVC requests and responses 1, Response of spring MVC The data response methods of spring MVC are as follows: Page Jump Return string directlyReturn via ModelAndView object Write back data Return string directlyReturns an object or collection 1. Page Jump 1.1. Directly return string In the code for getting ...

Added by robin339 on Fri, 04 Mar 2022 15:45:35 +0200

[SpringBoot 2] configuration files related to web development

Write in front๐Ÿ›ซ For more information, see SpringBoot 2 column ๐Ÿš• This article summarizes the video of Raytheon in Silicon Valley ๐Ÿš’ Bloggers are still learning this knowledge ๐Ÿš„ If you find any problems, please point them out ๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€Zhawatai zaogao's blog home page๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€ 1 configuration file โ€ƒโ€ƒ as mentioned before, configuration f ...

Added by delorian on Fri, 04 Mar 2022 14:34:08 +0200

Recommend learning java -- the first lesson of spring MVC

Spring MVC overview Spring MVC is a module in the spring framework and one of the cores of spring. It is often used for web development. Its bottom layer is Servlet, so it is also called Spring web mvc. Because the internal architecture pattern is mvc architecture, it is called Spring MVC Spring MVC is a container that manages the controlle ...

Added by Rother2005 on Fri, 04 Mar 2022 13:06:25 +0200

[read the Spring source code like this] - go to the container Spring IOC III again

In the last two articles, we have basically analyzed the application examples of XmlBeanFactory. In this chapter, let's analyze ApplicationContext. Big guy skip The first two articles have finished the basic XmlBeanFactory operation examples. Let's talk about ApplicationContext here. As mentioned before, the basic processes of these two thin ...

Added by jrbissell on Fri, 04 Mar 2022 10:05:50 +0200