Simply encapsulate an elegant Spring Boot global exception handling with enumeration!

Use @ ControllerAdvice and @ ExceptionHandler to handle global exceptions @ExceptionHandler handles Controller level exceptions ResponseStatusException Through this article, you can understand how to handle exceptions in Spring Boot. However, just being able to use it is not enough. We have to think ab ...

Added by ahasanat on Tue, 17 Mar 2020 05:12:50 +0200

[Add/Remove Check] SpringBoot integrates SolrClient of Solr to implement CRUD, paging interface, highlighting

1. Preface Any back-end database, such as MySQL, Oracle, Redis, Solr, Elasticsearch, MongoDB, encapsulated in SpringBoot first by SpringData, is extremely elegant and concise Attached are search engine actual cas ...

Added by delphi123 on Wed, 04 Mar 2020 03:42:39 +0200

3. SpringBoot ------ email (1)

Development tools: STS Code download link: Preface: On your birthday, Tencent will send you a beautiful birthday wish email When you register an account on a website, you often need to activate the verification in the email Let's talk about this tec ...

Added by sssphp on Thu, 13 Feb 2020 18:53:30 +0200

[intermediate project of] lesson 4 registration, login and browsing security

[intermediate project of] lesson 4 registration, login and browsing security Catalog Article directory [intermediate project of] lesson 4 registration, login and browsing security 1. registration 1.1 registration function: 1. User name validity detection 2. Password length ...

Added by bostonmacosx on Mon, 10 Feb 2020 11:34:05 +0200

3. SpringBoot+MybatisPlus integration code generator

1 <dependency> 2 <groupId>org.projectlombok</groupId> 3 <artifactId>lombok</artifactId> 4 <version>1.18.0</version> 5 <scope>provided</scope> 6 </dependency> 7 <!-- Add code generator dependencies --> 8 <dependency> 9 <groupId>org. ...

Added by vboyz on Sun, 09 Feb 2020 17:24:27 +0200

Introduction to programmatic transaction usage postures for SpringBoot series tutorials

Introduction to programmatic transaction usage postures for SpringBoot series tutorials The blog posts on the aforementioned transactions mainly make use of the declarative posture of the @Transactional annotation, which has the advantages of simple use, low intrusiveness and high identifiability (you know you are using the transaction at a ...

Added by Syphon on Wed, 05 Feb 2020 03:57:57 +0200

spring source learning (1)

There are a lot of spring source code analysis tutorials and class diagrams on the Internet, but the source code of spring is very complex, one layer is nested, and it's hard to see at the beginning. The more you look, the more muddled you become. So I bought the book "spring source code deep analysis". Follow the boo ...

Added by Dumps on Mon, 27 Jan 2020 17:58:13 +0200

Spring Boot Integration - MongoDB Integration 4 (MongoDB grouping de-duplication and MongoDB table query)

Front of Article About Versions rely on Edition springboot 2.0.8.RELEASE mongodb 4.0.14 This content is just to introduce the most basic use and configuration of mongodb. As a well-known database, it has quite a lot of advanced usage. It will expand to introduce a lot of content. Of cours ...

Added by coder9 on Fri, 24 Jan 2020 06:42:43 +0200

A preliminary study of springboot -- the starting process

Spring boot has been introduced earlier. This article begins with what spring boot does in the startup process and how to complete a web project with so little code. For others, we can ignore it first. Let's take a look at the main method of springboot @SpringBootApplication public class DemoApplication { public static void main(String[] arg ...

Added by Penelope on Sun, 19 Jan 2020 10:01:09 +0200

SpringSecurity Initialization Process Source

This article mainly explains the source part of the SpringSecurity initialization process, including how the core springSecurityFilterChain was created and where personalized configurations can be extended. The SpringSecurity source code is a real headache for all kinds of Builder Configurations! _1. Brief introduction _The core functions of Sp ...

Added by ryansmith44 on Sun, 19 Jan 2020 06:46:31 +0200