The front and back end of nginx is separated from the proxy forwarding to solve the cross domain problem

scene It is applicable to the company with front-end, and the project adopts front-end separation. Similar to the interface provided by our back-end springboot, the front-end specially writes html to call the corresponding interface to solve cross domain problems. Configuration description worker_processes 1; events { worker_connectio ...

Added by inVINCEable on Wed, 30 Oct 2019 16:46:58 +0200

The understanding of verification code in java: the integration of springboot and kaptch

Background 1. In recent projects, we need to replace the verification code with kaptch and springboot, which is also convenient to operate. We have made many detours, and specially wrote down this method for your reference. Let's explain it next. II. Project structure III. detailed configuration ...

Added by tvance929 on Sat, 26 Oct 2019 20:58:29 +0300

The first SpringBoot plug-in - captures requests and supports Reissue

Getting started with SpringBoot plug-ins brief introduction Spring boot is used by the company, and swagger UI is used by the API framework, which is really good. However, a problem is found in the use process. When the current end is formally called, if there are more parameters, it is more difficult to simulate the request, or swagger UI can ...

Added by vladj on Thu, 24 Oct 2019 11:49:27 +0300

Three common uses and source code implementation of IOC in Spring source code analysis

In retrospect, what we have studied is AnnotationConfigApplicationContext annotationConfigApplication = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext (MainConfig.class); Person person2 = (Person)annotationConfigApplication.getBean("person2"); The realization of these two sentences comes to the constructor implementation of annotationco ...

Added by madspoihur on Sun, 20 Oct 2019 20:37:30 +0300

Java web crawler, it's so simple

This is the first article in the Java Web Crawler series. If you don't know about the Java Web Crawler series, see What basic knowledge do you need to learn Java web crawler? This is the case. The first one is about the introduction of Java web crawler. In this article, we take the news headlines and details pages of Hupu List as an example. Th ...

Added by ghjr on Wed, 09 Oct 2019 09:29:53 +0300

SpringBoot 2.0 Foundation Case (17): Custom Start Page, Project Packaging, and Specified Running Environment

A Brief Introduction to Packaging Springboot is packaged in many ways. You can use war packages, jar packages, and jekins for packaging and deployment. It is not recommended to use war packages. SpringBoot is suitable for front-end and back-end separation. It is more convenient and fast to deploy as jar. Custom Start Page Content of banner.txt ...

Added by Caps on Tue, 08 Oct 2019 11:42:02 +0300

Tool class for sending mail in java

Share with you a very useful tool class for sending mail, which is also a tool class I have been using.1. source code public class MailUtils { public static void sendMail(String email, String emailMsg) throws AddressException, MessagingException { // 1. Create a program and mail server session obj ...

Added by algy on Thu, 03 Oct 2019 22:46:14 +0300

springboot family bucket, integrated shiro, rabbitmq, redis, mybatis, druid, swagger

Build a SpringBook template, which can be downloaded as a service background template for single application. Project address: Project Integration Framework springboot as the basic framework shiro privilege management rabbitmq message middleware redis cache mybatis persistence layer framework d ...

Added by bholaday on Wed, 02 Oct 2019 18:13:45 +0300

The maven-jar-plugin configuration of Maven's jar package is detailed and the MANIFEST.MF file is automatically generated.

Introduction to maven-jar-plugin configuration Recently, I learned the springboot multi-module jar package deployment project, and used the maven-jar-plugin plug-in. I'll study it carefully. I won't say much nonsense. Look down. The maven plug-in functions: compile, package, deploy... are all in the ${project. build. directory}/ classes file ...

Added by felodiaz on Wed, 02 Oct 2019 14:41:36 +0300

SpringBoot Unified Date Format for Json Data Processing

SpringBoot Unified Date Format for Json Data Processing 1. Pseudo-code examples @Getter @Setter @AllArgsConstructor public class User { private Long id; private String name; private Date birthday; } @RestController public class UserController { @GetMapping(" ...

Added by ottoman_ on Wed, 25 Sep 2019 12:54:11 +0300