[learning notes] STM32F1 system clock configuration (register, standard library, HAL Library)
4. System clock configuration
1. Experiment contents and steps:
2. Hardware description
3. Register description
1. Set PLL (i.e. 1,2,3)
2. Set the read / write cycle (i.e. 4)
3. Start HSE and PLL
4. Set SW (i.e. 5)
5. Set AHB, APB1 and APB2 (i.e. 6)
4. Program design (register)
5. Program design (Standard Library)
6. Progr ...
Added by kaisellgren on Sun, 23 Jan 2022 16:49:42 +0200
[learning notes] STM32F1 SYSTICK tick timer (register, standard library, HAL Library)
0. Bloggers understand:
1. Experiment contents and steps:
2. Hardware description
3. Register description
3.1 SysTick clock and enable:
3.2 SysTick reload value register:
3.3 SysTick interrupt priority:
3.4 SysTick interrupt function:
4. Program design (register)
5. Program design (Standard Library)
6. Program design (HAL L ...
Added by c-o-d-e on Sat, 22 Jan 2022 07:34:32 +0200