(Cisco analog) link aggregation eth trunk

​   1, Link aggregation overview:Eth trunk Ethernet link aggregation is called link aggregation for shortThe physical link formed by multiple physical ports is bundled into a large logical link to achieve the purpose of [increasing bandwidth]At the same time, the bundled links [improve link reliability] through mutual dynamic backup   2, Purpos ...

Added by phillips321 on Tue, 28 Dec 2021 02:38:44 +0200

Java interview questions ~ switch case optimization based on annotation + Enum + strategy mode

Abstract: in this article, we will continue to share and introduce the second "code optimization question" about Java interview. The main functions are: Based on the idea of "annotation + Enum enumeration + policy mode" based on Spring Boot, we often need to increase or decrease the judgment of if else or the value of consta ...

Added by drbigfresh on Sat, 20 Nov 2021 11:39:17 +0200