One click AI coloring, black and white old photos, the picture is instantly fresh

Many old photos or movies are limited by the technology of the times and can only be saved in black and white; The edited black-and-white videos and pictures have long lost the original color pictures, which is a great pity for the savers. How can we turn a single boring and old mottled black-and-white photo into a fresh and bright color photo, ...

Added by tomhoad on Wed, 12 Jan 2022 11:52:44 +0200

Source code analysis of Unity Timeline custom track DefaultPlayables

DefaultPlayables source code DefaultPlayables provides seven additional tracks with the support of Unity's native tracks. LightControlNavMeshAgentControlScreenFaderVideoTransformTweenTimeDilationTextSwitcher Taking LightControl as an example, we mainly have the following four scripts: LightControlBehaviour,LightControlClip,LightControlMixerB ...

Added by phynias on Sat, 11 Dec 2021 04:07:04 +0200