08_ awk, a text processing tool for shell programming

#Course objectives Familiar with the command line mode and basic syntax structure of awkFamiliar with awk related internal variablesFamiliar with awk common print function printAble to match regular expressions in awk and print relevant lines 1, awk introduction 1. awk overview awk is a programming language, which is mainly used to pro ...

Added by jboy6t9 on Tue, 28 Dec 2021 12:13:26 +0200

[IPC-UNIX network programming] Chapter 12 shared memory area

1 Overview The shared memory area is the fastest available form of IPC. Once such a memory area is mapped to the address space of the processes sharing it, the transfer of data between these processes will no longer involve the kernel [that is, processes will no longer transfer data to each other by executing system calls of any kernel]. Obvio ...

Added by mrcodex on Fri, 17 Dec 2021 03:16:54 +0200

How to write a programming language yourself (first experiment in Unix system programming / U language interpretive language)

1. Experimental Requirements 1. Goals Implement an interpretive language, Ulanguage, in C, so that it can be executed in the terminal Java and Python are explanatory languages that require an interpreter to interpret execution at execution time - interpret an instruction when you see it (advantages: cross-platform; disadvantages: ineffici ...

Added by neh on Wed, 27 Oct 2021 19:48:44 +0300

Linux foundation - threads

1. Thread concept 1.1 comparison between threads and processes Threads are similar to processes, both of which have PCB s The underlying functions of both are the same, and both use clone Processes can become threads Under Linux, thread is the smallest unit of execution; process is the smallest uni ...

Added by pcwizzzz on Thu, 18 Jun 2020 08:51:58 +0300

Five communication modes between processes

Source: https://blog.csdn.net/wh_sjc/article/details/70283843   IPC (InterProcess Communication) refers to the communication or exchange of information between different processes. IPC usually includes pipeline (including nameless pipeline and named pipeline), message queue, semaphore, shared storage, socket, Streams, etc. Soc ...

Added by ValdouaD on Mon, 18 May 2020 09:00:24 +0300

MySQL database functions

1, Date and time functions 1. Function to get the current dateIt's the same. It's different CURDATE() : Used to get the current date of the system CURRENT_DATE() Used by the system to get the current date mysql> select CURDATE(),CURRENT_DATE(); 2. Get function of current time CURTIME() : Used to get the current time of the system mysql& ...

Added by brighton on Thu, 14 May 2020 12:11:49 +0300

fork function and vfork function

fork function In many applications, creating multiple processes is an effective method for task decomposition. For example, a network server process can create a new subprocess to process each request while listening for client requests. At the same time, the server process will continue to listen for more client connection requests. Decomposin ...

Added by vinny69 on Wed, 13 May 2020 07:56:54 +0300

centos 6.8 installation of Redis and simple use

1, Install dependency package and prepare environment. yum install -y gcc Depending on the package, you can install it according to the prompts at compile time. But gcc must be installed. 2, 1. Download the tar package, install and start it. wget http://source.goyun.org:8000/source/Redis/redis-3.2.9.tar.gz --2018- ...

Added by lnfreish on Wed, 06 May 2020 03:49:40 +0300

Use of log4j

1. Simple use Only one jar package of log4j needs to be imported, and the log4j.properties configuration file under the src directory will be loaded by default 1. Print log to console log4j.properties configuration file content #Set the log level to info and output to the console log4j.rootLogger=info,console log4j.appender.console = org ...

Added by jay_bo on Mon, 20 Apr 2020 18:53:38 +0300

[network programming 01] basic knowledge of socket - simple network communication program

1. What is socket Socket is simply a combination of IP address and port, which can communicate with the application of remote host. A host can be determined by IP address, and an application can be determined by port. IP + port can completely determine an application of a host. Socket originated from UNIX, similar to a special file, can be open ...

Added by munuindra on Wed, 15 Apr 2020 11:46:48 +0300