WiFi connection from the command line in Linux (detailed explanation of zero basis)

There are two main WiFi configuration tools used under Linux system: wireless tools: it mainly configures WEP encrypted WiFi. Now iwconfig and other commands have been replaced by iw. iw is also partially used for WiFi configuration in this article. If you want to know more relevant functions, you can enter iw help in the shell window to view ...

Added by candy2126 on Tue, 08 Mar 2022 10:18:19 +0200

Detailed record of Realtek RTL8188FU WiFi connection route

The road is blocked and long, and the line is coming. Keep your head down and work hard. If you don't make a noise, you'll be a blockbuster! Come on, Sao Nian! Hello, everyone. I'm Xiao 2. I summarized the last article WiFi command compilation process This article shares the process of WiFi connection routing. I hope it can be helpful to yo ...

Added by designerguy on Mon, 07 Mar 2022 16:33:17 +0200

An iOS developer optimizes power with incredible code

In today's development, power consumption is an important measure of the operation effect of an application, especially live broadcast and sports applications. Each hardware module in the device consumes power. The biggest consumer of power is CPU, but this is only one aspect of the system. A well written application requires careful use of ele ...

Added by wopopd83 on Fri, 18 Feb 2022 05:57:33 +0200

STA mode application of ESP32 WIFI & regulating Bluetooth and WIFI transmission power

The following definitions of relevant API interfaces can be viewed in l Lexin's official website: Wi Fi Library - ESP32 - ESP-IDF programming guide v4 4 documents STA mode configuration process: #include <string.h> #include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h" #include "freertos/task.h" #include "freertos/event_groups.h" #include "esp_system.h" #inclu ...

Added by munsiem on Thu, 10 Feb 2022 09:38:13 +0200

Alios things 3.3.0 Wi Fi networking

    1. Alios things Wi Fi Networking Background Accessing Wi Fi network is the first step of networking most IoT devices. Access to Wi Fi generally requires two stages: distribution and networking. 1.1 introduction to Netmgr The Netmgr module introduced in this paper abstracts the distribution network and networking capabilities driven ...

Added by tomkure on Tue, 01 Feb 2022 01:26:25 +0200

Application of ESP8266 based on punctual atom STM32F103ZET6

Application of ESP8266 based on punctual atom STM32F103ZET6 preface The ATK-ESP8266 WIFI module of punctual atom is used in this test. Directly use the firmware provided by the official and use the AT command to configure the module and use it. The module defaults to AT command status, and the analog baud rate is 115200 (8bit data bit, 1bit ...

Added by admun on Mon, 31 Jan 2022 17:08:37 +0200

Android -- Analysis of NUD detection mechanism of WiFi

Android -- Analysis of NUD detection mechanism of WiFi During this period, I encountered the problem of sudden disconnection after several WiFi connections. Finally, it was found that it was caused by Android's NUD detection mechanism. The underlying implementation of NUD(Neighbor Unreachable Detection) still relies on the kernel. The Android ...

Added by dfr574 on Mon, 13 Dec 2021 04:00:57 +0200

NXPi.MX6ULL porting RTL8188 WiFi module

Project scenario: stay Overlooking Electronics Porting Python 3.9.5 to TW-AC6G-EVM development board: Compilation environment and development package: Host: Ubuntu 18.04 Cross compiler: arm linux gnueabihf GCC QT5.12.8: qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.12.8 Development board: TW-AC6G-EVM Linux: Linux-4.1.15 Serial port tool: Xshell Note: all ...

Added by kharbat on Wed, 27 Oct 2021 08:23:03 +0300