xgboost implementation of multi classification problem demo and its principle

This paper first writes the demo of the multi classification problem supported by xgboost, prints the tree structure, and then understands the principle of xgboost to realize the multi classification problem. This order is easier to understand. xgboost multi classification problem demo This demo can be seen from the source code of xgboost. In ...

Added by jaku78 on Thu, 10 Feb 2022 10:44:50 +0200

Introduction and comparison of catboost, xgboost, Ada Boost, lightboost and various boosts

Content of this article introduceAdaBoostGradient BoostXGBoostHistogram-Based Gradient BoostLightBoostCatBoostsummary introduce In ensemble learning, the goal is to train the model most successfully with a variety of learning algorithms. Bagging method is an integrated learning method, which applies multiple models to different sub samples o ...

Added by pete_bisby on Tue, 21 Dec 2021 22:58:48 +0200