Integration and Use of jpush-react-native Plug-ins in Android Papers
At present, although React Native updates faster, and various components provide a very comprehensive, but in some cases, hybrid development will quickly shorten the development cycle, the reason is that the "foundation" of the original platform is undoubtedly deeper, with many and rich types of third-party support libraries. ...
Added by CookieDoh on Tue, 02 Jul 2019 23:38:09 +0300
android Memory Leakage Analysis android Studio and MAT Use
I. Causes of Memory Leakage
1 Singleton Reference context
The context of each activity is the same as that of the activity. When the activity is released or killed, its context will be released. However, the singleton in the current activity still exists, resulting in the context still being referenced and can not be garbage collected, lead ...
Added by shinephp on Tue, 02 Jul 2019 02:42:08 +0300
Android Application Management: Package Manager Flags and Package Info (IV)
Android PackageInfo application information
1. Brief introduction
1. Officially interpreted as
Overall information about the contents of a package. This corresponds to all of the information collected from AndroidManifest.xml.
Get all package information for the application, including information from the manifest file Android ...
Added by Davo on Tue, 02 Jul 2019 02:27:33 +0300
Android Event Processing Mechanism
Android Event Processing Mechanism
If you want to process messages in Android, such as a classic application scenario: Update the UI after receiving a network response, just add a Handler member to the thread that responds to the event, as follows
public class MainActivity extends Activity {
Handler messageHandler = new MyMessageHandler();
Added by jonnypixel on Mon, 01 Jul 2019 04:37:42 +0300
EditText+listview+database operation to realize search function
What are the ways to implement the search function?
android search box function is very common, there are many ways to achieve the search box, there are three common:
- SearchView
- autocompletetextview
- EditText
- Customization
This article mainly describes the following ways, not recommended to use sp ...
Added by pendragonf on Mon, 01 Jul 2019 03:39:30 +0300
Android Technology Review Series (7) - Android Application Resources _2
This chapter gives a brief description of Drawable resources. What you need to know is the various types of Drawable resources and their usage scenarios. Common types are Bitmap File, Nine Patch Drawable, StateList Drawable, Gradient Drawable.
Drawable resources refer to graphics that can be drawn on the screen and retrieved or applied to ...
Added by examancer on Mon, 01 Jul 2019 02:17:18 +0300
Android debuggerd source code analysis
Introduction to debuggerd
Android The system comes with a practical program to diagnose abnormal exit daemon
Debuggerd. This process can detect program crash and output process status information when crash to file and serial port for developers to analyze and debug. Debuggerd's data is stored in the / data/tombstone / directory and can hol ...
Added by kfresh on Sun, 30 Jun 2019 04:57:55 +0300
What are the activation modes of activity? What does it mean? (three)
Configuration form:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<manifest xmlns:android=""
android:label="@str ...
Added by Stephen68 on Sun, 30 Jun 2019 04:14:17 +0300
H5 Development: Summary of UI Problems
Meta Basic Knowledge:
H5 page window automatically adjusts to device width and prohibits users from scaling pages
// I. HTML Page Structure
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1.0,minimum-scale=1.0,maximum-scale=1.0,user-scalable=no" />
// Width sets the viewport width to a positive integer ...
Added by VK4KBG on Sun, 30 Jun 2019 04:09:41 +0300
Android drags ViewDragHelper to resolve custom ViewGroup artifacts
For reprinting, please indicate the source:;
This article is from: [Zhang Hongyang's Blog]
1. Overview
In a custom ViewGroup, many effects include a user's finger dragging a View(eg: side-sliding menu, etc.) inside it. Writing onInterceptTouchEvent and onTouchEvent for spec ...
Added by gthri on Sun, 30 Jun 2019 02:52:05 +0300